Lisa and her Underdog

Lisa and her Underdog

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The world mourns:

I wish that I had some powerful words to give comfort to those who lost, everything, this past week. There is nothing to make the hurt go away, nothing to make sense or to give a real reason why. Time won't heal these wounds, it will only make it worse. When Christmas time comes around, all that will be thought about is how they aren't there. Every birthday, every time you see their favorite stuffed animal, walk by their room, or take your next breath the loss will be felt. You aren't alone. We as a nation have suffered a huge loss, that just seems so....empty and meaningless.

My Dad told me when I was a child that when you take a life, you don't just end one. You end many lives of family and friends. But you also end lives of  children that could have been. What would these kids have been if given the chance? Did one of them pocess the knowledge to cure AIDS or cancer? Would one of them be the mother to the first female president? We lost all of that. We lost an entire possible reality.

When 911 happened, life ceased to exsist. It has never been the same, and it will never be the same again. I can't shake this feeling of being so horribly sad, and feeling that nothing means anything anymore. Babies, little babies who have never done anything to anyone that would warrent such a horrid ending. Those who lived through it will have to try to make a life for themselves somehow putting one foot in front of the other.

Where does this leave us? Does the world end in a few days? Would it be such a bad thing with all this pain and suffering? Many of us have talked about what we think will happen next week, and the most popular answer is a spirtual awaking of some sort. Is there enough spirit in this world to make that happen? We are all angry, and looking for something or someone to blame. The truth is people are to blame. We are evil, and we are good. People will find a way to seek and destroy all the light in the world. It has happened since the begining of time. Take away guns, they will find knives, take away knives, they will pick up rocks. As long as there are people walking on Earth, there will be evil.

But as long as people walk this Earth, there will be good. It's up to us to try to be better. To become more self-aware, and less self-obessed. To cherish our time together, to help ease the pain of life, to stop being so angry, to be able to let go. Do I think it can be done. To be honest at this point, no. I have little faith, but really wants to be proven wrong. I want people to show that there is still good in this world. I want to see what is good, and what is pure win for once. I want us all to have a moment in the sun where we can be still, where we can be real, where we can take our next breaths knowing that we have made a positive impact and difference in the universe. We have a long way to go, but why not start now. Why keep the story of pain and suffering repeating itself over and over when we can make sure the next day, and the day after will be better.

I have hope for the world. Now please let the next chapter of our lives be better, even just a little.