Lisa and her Underdog

Lisa and her Underdog

Monday, April 4, 2011

Don't get sick America:+ Flu Shots: Friend or Foe?

    I'm sorry, my spell check isn't working, and like most people, I've now don't know how to spell anymore thanks to technology! Yeah! Enjoy!

  So, apart of my new "adventure" in Waterloo has already taken me down some paths I much rather forget. Mainly being forced to get SHOTS!!! I was at a....cough....job...cough...for a few weeks, and I had to get a series of shots that ranged from everything that we got in childhood before we could even go to school, to the flu shot. While I understand the purpose of most shots, I'm not really keen on the idea of a flu shot. Why? A few reasons. For one, I get sick every single time that I get the flu shot including right now at this very moment.  (And i don't care what all those people saying that it is a dead stand of the flu that you are getting, my expereince tells me different. Also, I've never gotten the flu unless I GET THE SHOT!!!! Ok, I'm  good for now, thanks. now excuse me while i get sick from the FLU!!)
         Second, I always wonder why they push the flu shot so hard. Yes, I understand that we are trying to keep people from getting sick. We live in a society where it is not okay to be ill. Even though I've heard a million different times the phrase: 'if you're sick, stay home, we don't want you here if you are sick." What they really mean is, "if you aren't vomiting blood then you need to be here." Trust me, if you can move, they want you at work. People come to work sick out of pure fear. Fear of getting fired, fear of not having enough money on their paycheck, fear of getting harrased by co-workers. So, the flu shot is one way of trying to keep people healthy enough to work. But can you imagine what would it be like if people were allowed to be sick and actually stay home to get better?

     Why, that would mean that the stock market would suffer. Not everyone has sick time, or vacation time that they can take when they get sick. Or, if you are suffering from an illness that is going to keep you away from work for a long peorid of time, they make it near impossible to get any type of help. (Case in point: My job denied my short term disablity/fml or any help when I was ill last year. They said I wasn't sick enough to get the help. So I went without any type of paycheck for 3 months. I want to know how I wasn't sick enough when I was literally told that I didn't have long to live, signed a DNR, and tell my loved ones goodbye? Not sick enough for ya? Really?) So people don't get the full paycheck that they need in order to survive. That means people most likely won't go out and buy things because they are going to be struggling to put a roof over their heads, and food on the table. No going to the movies, buying video games, or getting that new shade of lipstick. Multiply that by oh, a hundred thousand people, off of work at the same time and you get an economy that is going to implode. (get your flu shot so you won't get sick, people)

     The other reason that I'm not too keen on the flu shot is the fact that it's pushed just a little too hard for my tastes. Think of it. The flu shot isn't required. No one can make you get a flu shot, but they sure can push the subject. For example, even though I worked at a hospital the flu shot was not required. But it was highly encouraged. So much so, that they kept track of the people who didn't take the flu shot, and grilled...i mean asked them kindly to change their minds so every worker in the hospital got the flu shot. They kept charts and even gave some type of prize to the workers if there was 100% particaipation which there never was.
    So, why would this be so important to make sure people are getting this flu shot? The most important phrase I can think of here is: voluenteered. Why did I get the flu shot? They didn't give me a choice. They shot me up, and then I found out later during orination that I didn't have to get one. Great. I smell a conspiracy here.
The goveremet can't force  people to do something, but they can sure use a lot of smoke and mirrors to make everyone believe that they must.  Business can get fined or denied certain types of gov't assiatance if they don't have a certain percentage of their workers get the flu shots. Or you know, because they are providing a service to their employess so they won't have to suffer through the flu, which of course is the main reason the flu shot is so important.....

    What are in these flu shots anyway? Who says that they are just a dead strand of the flu? And why do they think that this particular stand of flu is going to be the big one this year? Is it because that's the strand that *They leak out into the public? Getting flu shots is a big dollar business for people who develop the shot, those who give the shot, and so on and so forth. We, the public, have a great illusion of choice. Even though we may not be aware that we do have a choice, it's there. I could have said no to my flu shot, but I would have also ran the risk of not having a job. (which in the long run would have been better for me and I wouldn't be sick now) But I just took it...albeit only after they had already given me my shot and then told me what it was. Next time I ask first!

   So, I think there is something in that shot that the goverment wants us to have for whatever reason. It could be anything from floride, to GPS trackers. The big push isn't for the health of our society. It's an extremely good excuse for a "let's see what happens," experiement. And for those who thinks that the our gov't wouldn't do that to us, need I remind you of LSD/CIA/LBJ. Enough said. The majority of the public gets the flu shot, the majority of people can therefore be used for whatever They want us to be used for. So, make your own choice about getting the flu shot. If it is something that works for you, by all means go for it. Just make sure it is your choice, and yours alone. That no job or person is pushing you into it because we really have no clue what we are getting pushed through our veins. I know that I'm never going to get a flu shot again unless I want it, and only after I've questioned what exactly they are putting into my body. I don't need to be on another raider!

America: You can't get sick. Now get back to work!

* They: Who are they? Good question. They are the ones that run the world. No one knows who they are so they will be refered to as: Them,They ect....