Lisa and her Underdog

Lisa and her Underdog

Thursday, May 22, 2014

To the Class of 2014

Part Two, Wear Sunscreen:

To the Class of 2014:

You are about to get a whole bunch of advice, from everyone. Every single person that you know and don't know are going to shove information down your throat in an attempt to help you become an adult. The thing is everyone is trying to help you out, or save you from mistakes that they have made. What they may not tell you is that you need to make mistakes, bad ones. Not everything is going to be right for you, but make mistakes, and be good to your fellow human being.

Here are a few tidbits for you to chew on:

Remember that just because you turn 18 and are going away to college or starting your job does not make you an adult. Nothing magic happens to make you one, you just wake up one day and realize that you are. It has nothing to do with age, but the journey you've been on and the path that you have chosen to walk. Flex those wings because you are going to want to see what your new boundaries are, but be careful and kind when you are doing this. Remember, many of us have been on this path of self discovery before, and trust me, you don't want to burn bridges.

Don't keep your mouth shut. Speak up and be heard.

Read everything that you can get your hands on. Read banned books, pamphlets, webpages, magazines, billboards, anything. Read things that are controversial, and risky, and scary. Read the newspaper, comics, ads, and everything else you can find.

Unplug from the world. Do not depend on technology as something that is a sub for human interaction. Listen to the world around you, not the sounds of AI. Go into nature, it's going to be gone someday and nothing can replace it. Don't live life online.

Get into fights and arguments. If you don't, you will never learn anything about the other person or yourself. Just be civil about it.

Meet new people.

Know thyself: There are a few core things that are special to every person. It's different for everyone but once you find those cores and answer those questions, be willing to discuss them. Learn everything that you can about them, and be willing to be challenged on them. If you find that those core answers change with time, educate yourself again. You won't always feel the same way as you did when you were 18.

Don't make it your main goal in life to get married and have children. It's best to be able to stand on your own two feet, and have life skills before you get serious in a relationship. If you can't stand on your own, then you will fall.

Learn how to balance your checkbook. Don't depend on the bank, or online banking to do it for you. Know how to make change, and always carry a little cash just in case of emergency.

Take lots of pictures.

Eat different kinds of foods.

Be honest.

Take care of yourself by drinking lots of water, getting restful sleep, and listen to your body. No one knows your body better than yourself. Don't get stuck with a doctor that won't listen or you feel that doesn't hear you. You only have one body, take care of it. And if they won't help find somebody that will.

Volunteer: you will meet new friends and it's always better to help out when you can. Plus, it's great to put on resumes. ;)

Learn how to write a resume, cover letter, and how to fill out an application.

Remember, you will not always start off at a job on top. You will have to work for it. Don't quite because you don't feel things are moving fast enough. You must start on the ground floor before you get to walk up any stairs.

Watch the sunset, and the sun rise. Watch the first stars come out at night and howl at a full moon. Find a rainbow, wish on a star.

Get drunk. (Disclaimer: Yes, get drunk, but don't put yourself in a situation where you or anyone else will be driving. Go somewhere and stay there Don't drink with somebody that you don't trust with your life.) Everybody needs to get drunk at least once in their life to know what it's like. Some will never drink again, some will become casual drinkers, and others will waste away into something pathetic. It's a right of passage, but don't you dare put anyone else in danger.

Don't smoke.

Wear clothing and shoes your size. Trust me, society will thank you for that.

Play music, sing, hum. Go to concerts and musical theater. Educate yourself on the arts.

Find fun, free things to do in your city. Take a day, or a few days to be a tourist in your town. Learn about the history your city. You may be surprised at what you find out.

Travel!!! Not just the world, but the entire Untied States. Get lost, or go find the world's biggest ball of twine! Never stop learning about the world around you. Spend your money on traveling. It's a great investment.

Learn how to change a tire, and a diaper. Important life skills.

Take public transportation, walk, ride your bike when you can. Be kind to Mother Earth, she's all that we have.

And last but not least:

Be humble, never forget who you are or where you came from. You are no better or any worse than another person. You are you, and nobody else can do that for you. Be strong, love, be willing to have you heart broken. Be kind, and remember that tomorrow is not a promise. Don't burn the bridges, dwell too long on hurt and pain, get help when you need it. Never be afraid to ask for that help. Take a deep breath when you are stressed. Work hard, and play responsibly. Take care of yourself, and your loved ones. Have fun, and laugh a lot.

Good luck all, and remember we are all cheering for you!!

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