Lisa and her Underdog

Lisa and her Underdog

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Conspiracy Theory #1: The King of Pop

  Disclaimer: If you are a Michael Jackson fan, you may not want to read this. This is written by a MJ fan, but you've been warned so no angry letters. OK, maybe one, but that's all!

             I've been chewing on this one for awhile. Michael Jackson officially died during my ten-year high school reunion. It's one of those "where were you we you heard the news" moments. Only because he was such a big part of our childhood, and for the last several years, the butt of many, many jokes. Aaron texted me first telling me that he collapsed. I was sitting in comfy chair at my parents house waiting for Brandi to pick me up. A few minutes later he wrote me again and told me that he was dead.
                    Was I surprised? Not at all. Sad? Sort of.
              This man who had become the Michael Jackson, king of tabloid and late night TV, was just a shadow of what we had grown up with. This man who was accused of the sickest thing a person could be accused of was gone.  This man who dangled a child from a window, married Lisa Maria Presley, and bought airline tickets for puppets was no longer alive. Michael Jackson was strange, no doubt about it. BUT.....Was the man that died during my reunion really Michael Jackson, or was it someone acting as Michael Jackson?
              Don't get me wrong, I believe that MJ is dead, but I think that he died in the 80's rather than 2009.
         As many of you recall, in 1984 MJ was the sponsor for Pepsi, and while filming a commercial he caught on fire. He was treated for the burns, recovered, and started to become a literal caricature of himself. Could this be post traumatic stress, or some other mental disorder that caused him to become the way that he did. Certainly, but what would have happened if he had died?
        Mj had many multi-million dollar projects going on. If he died then there would be lawsuits that would most likely still be going on today. It was the 80's and the economic depression very much mirrors what is going on today so nothing would just disappear. Money would need to be paid back, everyone had their hands out. What would you do if you were a manager, promoter, or a sponsor and your very bread and butter just died. The man who holds the key to your very financial future. Would you be desperate or crazy enough to find someone and create a new Michael Jackson?
               The old bait and switch. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
                My theory is that very thing happened. I believe that MJ's accident cost him his life. Now if he died quickly or awhile later doesn't really matter. Anyone who has been trained in first aid (me) can tell you that you can sub come to shock, no matter how big or small and injury is. So it stands to be possible that even if his burns were not "that bad," shock to a human body is enough to end life.

              So put yourself in a desperate man's place: Your meal ticket just died, and every bit of money that you invested will not only be gone, but will destroy you, your family, your company for years to come. So, why not find an actor to become MJ? Voice lessons, dance lessons, many plastic surgeries later and you've got yourself an answers. Even in the 80's the technology existed to alter a singing voice. Hell, I could even sing like MJ. By 1984 his top albums were already out. "Thriller" came out in 1982. The famous moon walk happened in 1983. The masterpieces were already done.
                             So, when you got what you want what is the next step.
                                                    Destroy the evidence.
                    MJ went downhill fast. He changed his appearance, his voice, his very life. There is more than enough proof that he had minders who kept he well drugged.This man was never alone. He rarely spent time with his family. He was watched like a hawk. Why? Well, an illusion can only last so long before you see that it's all smoke and mirrors.
             You got want you wanted, so bring down the king. Start rumors, make accusations, spin. Make him seem like a creep, a molester, a crazy person. No one will get close enough to him then to see the truth. Make sure that the truth dies with him.

             Now, in 2009 MJ did die prior to a concert. I do see the grey area here that he died owing millions of dollars because of this. But there was one thing that they did have now that they didn't then.
The Beatles's catalog. The deal did not go through until 1985, one year after his accident. The partial sell of the catalog happened in 2005 giving the Jackson camp 95 million dollars to help them out of this little mess.

              Plus, as we all know a person like that is worth more in death than they were alive dollar sign wise. It is a no-brainier that his album sales would soar, books would be written, and of course movies and TV shows would all be paying for the right to play a MJ song.His songs are not public domain, so of course a price must be paid.   Money now, would be much easier to get this time around. And when the remainder of the catalog will go up for sell, it will fetch millions.

                 So, what is the truth? We may never know. But one thing is true. The artist known as Michael Jackson is dead, and we are left with his music, and videos as a tribute to what was......or what might have been.
                                                                          You decide.


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