Lisa and her Underdog

Lisa and her Underdog

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

JFK: Death by Killer Kitties

Who killed JFK is one of the greatest mysteries out there. Why, after all this time, hasn't it been solved. Of course we can all chalk it up to the fact that Lee Harvey Oswald was the killer such as our history books indicate, but who really believes that? LHO didn't so why should the rest of us? Of course a conspiracy theorist like myself is pretty sure that the answer is well known in some small circles and that information is kept quiet because THEY don't want US to know the truth. It's been like a hundred years, isn't it time to come clean so we can something else to try to solve? In our world full of technology, why can't a "simple" murder be solved from the 60's?

At this point I believe the only possible answer is that JFK was assisinated by killer kittens. I know what you are thinking. Lisa has gone of the deep end...again. But no, stay with me here. Every single story that we have is ridiculous! So, I'm just adding one more ridiculous theory out there to show that it's time for the real answers to come out, or these cat stories are going to keep coming out.

Think of it, who in the world could kill the president without ANYONE noticing who pulled the trigger. The logical answer is no one. And since no one really has any clue who killed the president, it must have been highly trained killer kittens. No one is going to suspect cute cuddly little kittens to be capable of pulling of the greatest assisination of all time, now will they? People were so busy watching the parade and waiting to see the president that they would never see little Chester aiming his gun on the grassy knoll. Of course that lets off LHO, the mob, RFK, aliens, Cubians, LBJ, Nixon, the United States Goverment off the hook so it must be true since none of these very logical suspects have ever actaully been proven to be the real assigns. Damn Kitties!

In this world where EVERYTHING is out in the open why can't we for once, put this to rest. This one killing lead to many others which changed the United States forever. People were being silenced then, and they still are even today, even though we can find out about any celebertiy sexual preferences. I'm sorry, but I don't want to know about Aronld's love child. I don't care about Lindsay fallling off the wagon, and then being run over by it. All of this useless information is being shoved in our faces, but God forbide that we find any real information that could solve this crime. So, until the truth comes out, I'm putting my money on kitty. Bad kitty, bad!

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