Lisa and her Underdog

Lisa and her Underdog

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Who Will Win The Game of Thrones?

         Game of Thrones is a show that is one of the most watched series on TV, which is based off the massively successful books by George R. R. Martin. There is a lot of differences between the two, but they both can exist and both be enjoyed on their own, and together. I am not one who will ever tell a person that they aren't a true fan unless they read the book, or if they are only a fan of the TV show. It doesn't matter because you have the right to enjoy whatever you like, and it doesn't make you less of a fan unless you know all of the folklore associated with the story. I am reading the series but I find myself both in awe and slightly annoyed with the world and the pace that Martin has created. That's why I find series on YouTube very helpful when doing my own research to understand their world better. It is interesting enough for me to want to keep going and dive deeper into this story but I don't have the patients to read all of the works. Maybe someday, I will but for now that will take a backseat the to TV series for me which got me hooked on the story to begin with.

           Now, that is settled I have my very own theories on who will win the Game of Thrones. There is strong evidence to suggest that the front runners are Dany, Jon Snow, Little Finger, Sansa, and even Ayrea. Cersie will not make it through because she has gone mad, and has nothing left to live for now that her children are gone. That makes her reckless and dangerous and Jamie will be the one who takes her down and will lose his life in the process. The White Walkers are another huge problem that they are all mostly ignoring beside Jon Snow. They will take many of these characters out before he end of the series. There are so many other players in place but who will take the Iron Throne? The truth is the winner will one.....

          I'm not talking about no one as in the Many Faced God, or anything of the sort. Not one person will win the Iron Throne because none of it is true. Yes, it's a work of fiction, but I am talking about in this world, this story is nothing more than a tale like King Arthur or Robin Hood. There are some truths to these legends but at the end of the day, it is hard to distinguish what is real and what is a good story. Why do I say these things? Everything that you need to know is spelled out during the beginning credits. We are shown maps that change during each story told to us just like many stories that we grew up with had a story book filled with maps to look at as we read the story. As one Youtuber pointed out, the credits always start with something that resembles a looking glass just as Sam-Well sees at the great libraries. If we are looking through that glass, aren't we just reading a story too?
          While this may not be the strongest argument, it is something that I have always thought based on the credits. They do tell us an awful lot and that is so very unusual for any series. Normally, it's just an introduction of the people who are playing the characters. Look at this another way and see if my theory could be true. Again, they are telling you everything and this is as common as what life was like in the our own past. People knew their books and their plays. If people were lucky enough to go the plays, they would already know the story and just be entertained by the process of the play. If my theory is correct, then there is a narrator of this story.  He or She is telling all of us a story but providing so many details because we already know how it's going to end. However, this is the narrator's version of events.   So, either we have a narrator who is composing this story of Game of Thrones for us, or we are reading it ourselves with the assistance of the looking glass, map, and other means of research, as evident in the credits.

            People in the Game of Thrones are constantly talking about books and stories. They write much down, and those who study books are known to have made it a lot further than the ones who battle. Look at Tyroin Lannister. He is terribly outnumber physically, but he is a great study. His quick wit has kept him alive and his education from books taught him how to wage wars in an intelligent manner. He went from an impossible situation to being the Hand of the Queen. By all rights, he should have died many times over, but his studying taught him how to survive. Jon Snow understood the importance of learning and that's why part of his plan had to do with encouraging Sam-Well to go to the library. Sam-Well also should have been dead many times over, but his studies gave him a good place at the Wall, and helped him stay alive. Those who didn't study had quite a bad fate. Look at King Goffery, who laughed at learning his history and any education because he was too busy being a cruel ruler. He was killed by much smarter people than himself and maybe he would have seen it coming if he had bothered to educate himself. It's all about making yourself familiar with the stories to learn your lessons.

           My last thoughts on why there won't be anyone really winning the Game of Thrones is because of the details. The saying, "the devil is in the details," is very telling when it comes to this story. It's deceiving because the more details you give to make it a realistic story, the more you should question if it's actually real. It is said to construct a good lie, you must have details. What is a good story but a long lie? The more details that you put into the story, the more you want to know, but the more it seems that the truth is actually lost. If you are in the "real world" of this story and hearing these amazing legends you should question the real truth of it, while enjoying the tale. Just like as a child we heard stories that we all know by heart, like Robin Hood, Sherlock, or many more. They have come to life on their own, but there is some truth to each of these stories. It has just been lost in time. So, no one will actually win the Game of Thrones because it is only a legend and a story being told in their world by a detailed narrator. We are just along for the story. Everyone will die so there won't be anyone to take the Iron Throne. Why go to all the trouble of telling these stories? The same reason we tell other stories, to be entertained, and to learn a lesson. There are many lessons to be learned from the tales of these people all trying to fight and kill their way to the top. It's a lesson as old as time and we still haven't learned it yet. So, the legends continue with greater details in hopes that one day, someone will take notice of the lessons they all are trying so hard to pass along. Stories are a most powerful thing.

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