Lisa and her Underdog

Lisa and her Underdog

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Lisa's New Ebook: Exclusive Interview

51 Supernatural and Mysterious Writing Prompts by [Tebrinke, By Lisa]

Well hello there my two blogger fans! I know you both have been waiting for my new book to come out, and I hate to disappoint one of you, so the link will be included in this post for you to go purchase the book!

I thought to myself today, why not take advantage of this opportunity and do an interview with the author. I know what you are thinking, that  Lisa is off her meds again. True, but I hear interviews sometimes help sales of books so why not do an interview with myself because a little self-promotion never hurt anyone!

So here you go, the exclusive interview with author Lisa Tebrinke from And the Underdog Wins!

ATUDW: Lisa, you have been published a few times before including in magazines, anthologies or poetry, and a few ebooks. What took you so dang long to write. You have only been out of college for, like, 25 years now? What's going on? What have you been doing with your time? Not writing, that;s for sure!

LT: Wow, well, first of all, thank you so much for doing this interview and prompting my new Ebook available on Kindle, "51 Supernatural and Mysterious Writing Prompts."  It is truly an honor to get my book out there and share it with the world! Like many of you know, I suffer from low self-esteem and untreated depression. While it is great fuel for my stories, it does very little to help me get going and get my stories done and published. I also have this thing called responsibility where I have to pay bills and take care of other humans. That's what took so long. For the record, it has not been 25 years since I've been out of college. But this whole process has taken longer than I had hoped for.

ATUDW: This book isn't really a book. It's just a collection like your first one, but this one is writing prompts.

LT: Yes, this book is a collection, but it is a tool for writers which I have found extremely helpful. There are many writing prompts out there but sometimes you just want to write about a certain genre and the Supernatural and Mysterious things have always been a favorite of mine. That's how, "51 Supernatural and Mysterious Writing Prompts," came to light!

ATUDW: It's that just kind of lazy. You aren't even writing full stories.

LT: Not from my perspective. It was a lot of hard work to create each of these. There was a lot of time and effort to make sure that these prompts could go in several different directions. The key was to make these focused on a certain topic or area, but have them universal enough to be able to write from any perspective. I had a lot of fun with these, and found inspiration in writing these prompts to help me with other projects.

ATUDW: Why did you stop at 51? Why not go to 52, or 100?

LT: That was kind of a joke due to area 51. It all goes along with the theme of the book, "51 Supernatural and Mysterious Writing Prompts."

ATUDW: Why do you keep repeating the name?

LT: You will remember it, won't you. Thanks, RuPaul for the advice via" RuPaul's Drag Race!"

ATUDW: Okay, I may be have been a bit harsh. This was a lot of work and I can see that you truly want to help inspire people to write. Is this only for professional writers?

LT: Not at all, "51 Supernatural and Mysterious Writing Prompts" is for anyone! This is good for the beginner or a professional. However, this book isn't just limited to writers. This is a great tool for stress relief, a hobby, or a laugh. I have used writing prompts while doing papers for college that had nothing to do with anything I was working on. I found that by taking a few moments to write on a prompt, my mind became freed up and I could find inspiration to work on my project. It was like doing a cross-word puzzle to keep your mind sharp. Anyone can use this book, it's not just for writers!

ATUDW: What's different about your Prompt book compared to others?

LT: I have included something a bit different called "Fun Alternatives." This is a prompt for the writing prompt. It gives you yet another direction to go towards. It's not on every single of the 51 prompts, but it's on several!

ATUDW:  What advice would you give people who want to become writers?

LT: Keep trying. Keep writing. Don't beat yourself up too much. Rejection is just the first step towards getting to your goal.

ATUDW: Do you recommend publishing through Kindle?

LT: Publishing through Kindle is a very painless process. You are self-publishing, but you have acess to a wider audience. It is a learning process and I recommend trying it out. There will be trail and error but it is worth it.

ATUDW: What can we expect from you next?

LT: I hope to do okay with this book. I may publish another collection of writing prompts. I have one Ebook that I have been rolling around in my mind for some time. I hope to keep up writing and keep publishing. Maybe someday, I will be lucky enough to earn some money too!

ATUDW: Do you think you can make money for writing?

LT: I will never stop trying!!!

ATUDW: And we hope that you never do! Thank you so much, Lisa, for taking time out of your busy day to do an interview with us. We are new at this so sorry if it was bumpy.

LT: No problem. I enjoyed myself! Thanks for talking with me!

Lisa Tebrinke's Ebook is available for purchase on Amazon. Follow the link to buy the book!

You can also buy other published works from Lisa Tebrinke here:

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