Dear Lord, What Has Happened To Me: I Became a Whovian:
I don't understand how it happened, but I got sucked into the crazy world of Doctor Who. Yes, and not just suck in, like crazy sickness sucked in. You see this year I was alone for Christmas and there was a marathon on BBC America, so I thought what the heck, I will watch this and see what all of the fuss was about....and then my life ended. I actually started with "The End of Time," and knowing nothing about the characters or the show ended up crying for only 3 hours after. (this is 10's regeneration btw, and when I saw it after again after catching up I only cried for a month) The shows weren't running in any sort of order so I sat up and watched for most of the night, and then called into work the next day. Mostly because of a dangerous blizzard but not sleeping all night because I was watching Doctor Who didn't help. Should have known then.
After that I caught up on the reboot (starting in 2004) on Netflix and again, my life was over. Now I am one of those crazy people who hear references everywhere, the TARDIS is my ringtone, and for my birthday I am planning on plopping down $250.00 for the box set. Yes, gloriously sick. But, one thing that came from all of this nutty-ness was watching this show made me want to write again. For those of you who know me well, it's been a real struggle for me to even pick up a pen that last 7 or 8 years. I just looked at the blank page and freaked out. Now, with fuel from my new craze over Doctor Who, I feel inspired, and have actually written a story that's going on fairly well, in fact I've got 125 pages, which is amazing for me. Since I started watching Doctor Who, my hands have been stained in ink, and it feels great!!!!
I am inspired by these people who are complete nerds, who are looking to give women strong roles. I am inspired by their writers who make no apologies for being a nerd, or a geek, or being different. The celebrate it, they embrace the weird, and for some reason it clicked for me. So, I am happy that I am now a Whovian, no matter how crazy it's made me because this crazy has inspired creativity!
Anywho: has anyone else noticed that season 7 part one has a mention of Rose in some way shape or form: The rose in Clara's hair....11 speech about going back to help Rose with her homework, 11 making reference to the bad wolf in grandmother's clothing, the pub called The Rose....Please oh Please can we see The Bad Wolf, and The Oncoming Storm?
SEE!!! SICKNESS!!!!!! I am not kidding about this. It's all consuming. I am one of those people. Someday I plan on telling my future children about The Doctor, not the Easter Bunny and Santa. I want them to be able to believe is something powerful, and inspiring, something that will make them want to be better people, not greedy little wimps who want more presents. This is what has happened to my life, now excuse me while I put on Netflix and cry......and write until my hands are full on ink!
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