Who killed JFK is one of the greatest mysteries out there. Why, after all this time, hasn't it been solved. Of course we can all chalk it up to the fact that Lee Harvey Oswald was the killer such as our history books indicate, but who really believes that? LHO didn't so why should the rest of us? Of course a conspiracy theorist like myself is pretty sure that the answer is well known in some small circles and that information is kept quiet because THEY don't want US to know the truth. It's been like a hundred years, isn't it time to come clean so we can something else to try to solve? In our world full of technology, why can't a "simple" murder be solved from the 60's?
At this point I believe the only possible answer is that JFK was assisinated by killer kittens. I know what you are thinking. Lisa has gone of the deep end...again. But no, stay with me here. Every single story that we have is ridiculous! So, I'm just adding one more ridiculous theory out there to show that it's time for the real answers to come out, or these cat stories are going to keep coming out.
Think of it, who in the world could kill the president without ANYONE noticing who pulled the trigger. The logical answer is no one. And since no one really has any clue who killed the president, it must have been highly trained killer kittens. No one is going to suspect cute cuddly little kittens to be capable of pulling of the greatest assisination of all time, now will they? People were so busy watching the parade and waiting to see the president that they would never see little Chester aiming his gun on the grassy knoll. Of course that lets off LHO, the mob, RFK, aliens, Cubians, LBJ, Nixon, the United States Goverment off the hook so it must be true since none of these very logical suspects have ever actaully been proven to be the real assigns. Damn Kitties!
In this world where EVERYTHING is out in the open why can't we for once, put this to rest. This one killing lead to many others which changed the United States forever. People were being silenced then, and they still are even today, even though we can find out about any celebertiy sexual preferences. I'm sorry, but I don't want to know about Aronld's love child. I don't care about Lindsay fallling off the wagon, and then being run over by it. All of this useless information is being shoved in our faces, but God forbide that we find any real information that could solve this crime. So, until the truth comes out, I'm putting my money on kitty. Bad kitty, bad!
Lisa and her Underdog

Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Friday, June 3, 2011
Big Brother is watching....through my contacts
The other day I was in the bathroom getting ready for work. I was putting on my contacts, and dropped one on the ground. After picking it up and cleaning it something stopped me from putting the contact in my eye. In my hand was what I thought was my innocent contact to correct my vision, instead laid an instrument of horror!! All of this time Big Brother has literally been living in my eye balls!!!! Inside was my prescription!! And this is the first time I've ever seen this!! Great!Now I know what most of you are thinking. Big deal, Lisa. It's just something people are doing now to make it easier for eye doctors to find you a better prescription...yada yada yada... NO! It's just another way for THEM to keep tabs on us. And now they are living in my eye ball....
On of my favorite shows is "How I Met Your Mother." There is a scene where Barney (Neil Patrick Harris: brilliant by the way) is talking about his position at work. It is a running joke that no one has any idea what he does for a living. But he says to his friends that he will never retire. Instead they will find his body one day washed ashore without any hair, fingernails, or any identification markers. Sure, it's comedy, but the fact is no matter how hard you try, you are going to be on the radar somewhere. And now it's in places you would never think about checking, like the inside of your contact lens.
Any of you have a diamond ring, ear ring, or bracelet? You know that there is a code that is linked only to your diamond and the only way that you can see it is under a microscope. (i look at this for a living, believe me, it's creepy) Also, the better the diamond, the more details that they have. You can trace these diamonds back to the place they were mined, and to the person that actually did the cutting of your stone. They can trace this all back to that very diamond that you've been wearing on your finger every day. So good new, if something horrible happens and all they can find is your diamond, they can at least say that at one point you were the one wearing it. Just saying. (I always said if I every get engaged that I don't want a ring. Boy, good thing that I've never had my heart set on a ring.)
It's bad enough that our personal information is being monitored in ways we already know about everyday. We basically gave up our right to anything personal going through airport security. Any time we use our credit/debit cards they get our personal info You can't write a check without giving up your first born. In some places you must provide your address and phone number even to make a simple purchase.They can trace you anywhere with a cell phone, and it doesn't have to even be on. My local coffee place can tell you what drink your order most frequently with their rewards card. They ask to scan your ID at Walmart or Target and your personal info is out there for the taking. When you buy things online, they can save your preferences and recommend things you may like based on what you've bought in the past. On Hulu.com they ask you to choose commericals so they can personalize your experience. Is it just good customer service, a way for companies to find out what products are in demand, or Big Brother tracking you?
What about the things that you do to yourself? If you color your hair, they can find the shades. If you get any type of cosmetic surgery, they can trace the serial numbers on your boob implants. Even if you made the regrettable mistake of piercing something you later changed your mind about, the scar tissue will stilll be there. If you get a tattoo, they may be able to trace the artist. If you have wear a hearing aid, glasses, or contacts, they can find out what the perscription is, and where you most likely got the items you need in your every day life. You like Old Spice? They can find that out too.
I can handle to some extent what we must give up in order to get the things that we want or need in food and services. What I don't like is how little things like the contacts are sneaking in there, and no one is the wiser if you never notice it. What else do they have traced to Lisa Tebrinke? Do they have GPS in my underwear? 1984 is not a dream, or a well thought out plot. It's reality, and it worries me how much closer our lives are going in a direction of a fiction book!
So, on my day off dear THEM, you can find me at my house. I'll be watching Family Guy while wearing my -2.25 contact lens, drinking sweet tea, and flipping through my Christopher Moore book. Beside me, or maybe on the floor will be my two dogs, who eat Perinea Dog Chow, and have their blue potty bags that I get from CVS by the door when they need to go out. You can also check out the music I was listening to on Pandora.com when I decide it's time to clean the house with products I bought from Walmart....but you already knew that, didn't you....
On of my favorite shows is "How I Met Your Mother." There is a scene where Barney (Neil Patrick Harris: brilliant by the way) is talking about his position at work. It is a running joke that no one has any idea what he does for a living. But he says to his friends that he will never retire. Instead they will find his body one day washed ashore without any hair, fingernails, or any identification markers. Sure, it's comedy, but the fact is no matter how hard you try, you are going to be on the radar somewhere. And now it's in places you would never think about checking, like the inside of your contact lens.
Any of you have a diamond ring, ear ring, or bracelet? You know that there is a code that is linked only to your diamond and the only way that you can see it is under a microscope. (i look at this for a living, believe me, it's creepy) Also, the better the diamond, the more details that they have. You can trace these diamonds back to the place they were mined, and to the person that actually did the cutting of your stone. They can trace this all back to that very diamond that you've been wearing on your finger every day. So good new, if something horrible happens and all they can find is your diamond, they can at least say that at one point you were the one wearing it. Just saying. (I always said if I every get engaged that I don't want a ring. Boy, good thing that I've never had my heart set on a ring.)
It's bad enough that our personal information is being monitored in ways we already know about everyday. We basically gave up our right to anything personal going through airport security. Any time we use our credit/debit cards they get our personal info You can't write a check without giving up your first born. In some places you must provide your address and phone number even to make a simple purchase.They can trace you anywhere with a cell phone, and it doesn't have to even be on. My local coffee place can tell you what drink your order most frequently with their rewards card. They ask to scan your ID at Walmart or Target and your personal info is out there for the taking. When you buy things online, they can save your preferences and recommend things you may like based on what you've bought in the past. On Hulu.com they ask you to choose commericals so they can personalize your experience. Is it just good customer service, a way for companies to find out what products are in demand, or Big Brother tracking you?
What about the things that you do to yourself? If you color your hair, they can find the shades. If you get any type of cosmetic surgery, they can trace the serial numbers on your boob implants. Even if you made the regrettable mistake of piercing something you later changed your mind about, the scar tissue will stilll be there. If you get a tattoo, they may be able to trace the artist. If you have wear a hearing aid, glasses, or contacts, they can find out what the perscription is, and where you most likely got the items you need in your every day life. You like Old Spice? They can find that out too.
I can handle to some extent what we must give up in order to get the things that we want or need in food and services. What I don't like is how little things like the contacts are sneaking in there, and no one is the wiser if you never notice it. What else do they have traced to Lisa Tebrinke? Do they have GPS in my underwear? 1984 is not a dream, or a well thought out plot. It's reality, and it worries me how much closer our lives are going in a direction of a fiction book!
So, on my day off dear THEM, you can find me at my house. I'll be watching Family Guy while wearing my -2.25 contact lens, drinking sweet tea, and flipping through my Christopher Moore book. Beside me, or maybe on the floor will be my two dogs, who eat Perinea Dog Chow, and have their blue potty bags that I get from CVS by the door when they need to go out. You can also check out the music I was listening to on Pandora.com when I decide it's time to clean the house with products I bought from Walmart....but you already knew that, didn't you....
Thursday, May 26, 2011
And I cheer for the underdog: Goodbye Mr. Laughlin
As most of you know, Mr. Lauglin, my elementary school principal passed away last week of cancer. I am writing my tribute for the "Red Oak Express," but I'm not sure what will get on the pages. But I'm just using this to say another thank you for the man who changed my life. Here is the unedited version of my story. Sorry to disappoint, no conspiracy here, just a simple thank you to a good man who will be missed. He was always cheering for the underdog......
While in second grade, I was in the middle of my show and tell speech. I just got this really cool pencil from my Mom that I had to share with everyone. It looked like a mailbox, and the eraser was a little package. I quickly launched into an entire story about this being a mailbox for a mouse and its family. While I was telling my story, Mr. Laughlin was walking by the classroom and stopped mid-step. He came into the room and listened to my story. I got embarrassed because this new principle was listening to my silly little story when he probably had better things to do.
Later that day Mr. Laughlin stopped me in the hallway. He told me how much that he loved my mouse story. I told him that I was embarrassed. Mr. Laughlin then said something to me that I will never forget, "Lisa, never be afraid of your gift." Until that very moment I had never thought of telling stories as anything more than entertainment. Not a gift.
A few years later he would chaperon several students to a writer's workshop, and that cemented what I wanted to do with my life. It was because of Mr. Laughlin that I went after my dreams. He will be dearly missed, but his legacy will live on in all of his kids.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
My rant.
Well, giving what has happened the last week it's really hard NOT to go there. Is Bin Ladin really dead or is this just another govt ploy to get us to believe one thing, while the truth still remains out there.
I may go on a rant here but I am so passionate about how our American troops are treated. This isn't about what kind of political group you choose to believe in. I do not choose to be labeled by something so negative. I have the freedom to choose, or not, and that is thanks to the great sacrifices that our troops make every day. Our American men and women who serve our country should be thanked every single day for what they do. They pay for our freedom in blood. I don't take that for granted for a second.
(I also don't take for granted that our country deserves justice for what happened to us on 9/11. We suffered a blow that we have never gotten over. The families suffer every day, the country suffers everyday.Nothing will ever be the same again. I don't want to take anything away for that tragedy either. We will never get back to life the way it was before. Maybe we can change the future for the positive.)
I am sicked how troops are being used though. Let me get this straight. The people who are responsible for the death of Bin Ladin are the same people Obama wasn't going to pay? And now he's getting all the credit. How dare you Obama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wouldn't put it past you to use our army for your own political gain: IE saying that you had Bin Ladin captured and killed right before elections start! You weren't even going to pay these people. These people who work hard and see things that you've never seen, and they aren't good enough to pay, but good enough to use. You have never served our country so how can you truly run it!!!!
And while this whole thing is happening, it makes it easy for our to lose focus on other things. Such as the sky rocking gas prices, or how our troops are being moved into China. Do you realize that the economy isn't getting any better. There are still many many people out of work. You just don't hear much about that now do you? Government is all smoke and mirrors. What is the truth? I believe Bin Ladin to be dead as much as I believe Elvis is dead. And I think we will continue to see appearances for both of them for years to come.
So if he's dead or if he isn't we will truly never know. But when people start yelling "Go Obama" and believe that he is the one who spear-headed this whole event maybe should think twice. Was he the person who was tracking? No. Was he the one who spent hours in fear we will never know away from family and loved ones? No. Was he the intelligence officers who came up with the plans, or the people that followed through? No. He was the person who wasn't going to pay them though. He is the one who is taking credit, and the one who is distracting the American public from other horrors that are going around us.
Thank your troops, save the praise for Obama for something he truly does deserve to be thanked for. And and aint this.
I may go on a rant here but I am so passionate about how our American troops are treated. This isn't about what kind of political group you choose to believe in. I do not choose to be labeled by something so negative. I have the freedom to choose, or not, and that is thanks to the great sacrifices that our troops make every day. Our American men and women who serve our country should be thanked every single day for what they do. They pay for our freedom in blood. I don't take that for granted for a second.
(I also don't take for granted that our country deserves justice for what happened to us on 9/11. We suffered a blow that we have never gotten over. The families suffer every day, the country suffers everyday.Nothing will ever be the same again. I don't want to take anything away for that tragedy either. We will never get back to life the way it was before. Maybe we can change the future for the positive.)
I am sicked how troops are being used though. Let me get this straight. The people who are responsible for the death of Bin Ladin are the same people Obama wasn't going to pay? And now he's getting all the credit. How dare you Obama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wouldn't put it past you to use our army for your own political gain: IE saying that you had Bin Ladin captured and killed right before elections start! You weren't even going to pay these people. These people who work hard and see things that you've never seen, and they aren't good enough to pay, but good enough to use. You have never served our country so how can you truly run it!!!!
And while this whole thing is happening, it makes it easy for our to lose focus on other things. Such as the sky rocking gas prices, or how our troops are being moved into China. Do you realize that the economy isn't getting any better. There are still many many people out of work. You just don't hear much about that now do you? Government is all smoke and mirrors. What is the truth? I believe Bin Ladin to be dead as much as I believe Elvis is dead. And I think we will continue to see appearances for both of them for years to come.
So if he's dead or if he isn't we will truly never know. But when people start yelling "Go Obama" and believe that he is the one who spear-headed this whole event maybe should think twice. Was he the person who was tracking? No. Was he the one who spent hours in fear we will never know away from family and loved ones? No. Was he the intelligence officers who came up with the plans, or the people that followed through? No. He was the person who wasn't going to pay them though. He is the one who is taking credit, and the one who is distracting the American public from other horrors that are going around us.
Thank your troops, save the praise for Obama for something he truly does deserve to be thanked for. And and aint this.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Don't get sick America:+ Flu Shots: Friend or Foe?
I'm sorry, my spell check isn't working, and like most people, I've now don't know how to spell anymore thanks to technology! Yeah! Enjoy!
So, apart of my new "adventure" in Waterloo has already taken me down some paths I much rather forget. Mainly being forced to get SHOTS!!! I was at a....cough....job...cough...for a few weeks, and I had to get a series of shots that ranged from everything that we got in childhood before we could even go to school, to the flu shot. While I understand the purpose of most shots, I'm not really keen on the idea of a flu shot. Why? A few reasons. For one, I get sick every single time that I get the flu shot including right now at this very moment. (And i don't care what all those people saying that it is a dead stand of the flu that you are getting, my expereince tells me different. Also, I've never gotten the flu unless I GET THE SHOT!!!! Ok, I'm good for now, thanks. now excuse me while i get sick from the FLU!!)
Second, I always wonder why they push the flu shot so hard. Yes, I understand that we are trying to keep people from getting sick. We live in a society where it is not okay to be ill. Even though I've heard a million different times the phrase: 'if you're sick, stay home, we don't want you here if you are sick." What they really mean is, "if you aren't vomiting blood then you need to be here." Trust me, if you can move, they want you at work. People come to work sick out of pure fear. Fear of getting fired, fear of not having enough money on their paycheck, fear of getting harrased by co-workers. So, the flu shot is one way of trying to keep people healthy enough to work. But can you imagine what would it be like if people were allowed to be sick and actually stay home to get better?
Why, that would mean that the stock market would suffer. Not everyone has sick time, or vacation time that they can take when they get sick. Or, if you are suffering from an illness that is going to keep you away from work for a long peorid of time, they make it near impossible to get any type of help. (Case in point: My job denied my short term disablity/fml or any help when I was ill last year. They said I wasn't sick enough to get the help. So I went without any type of paycheck for 3 months. I want to know how I wasn't sick enough when I was literally told that I didn't have long to live, signed a DNR, and tell my loved ones goodbye? Not sick enough for ya? Really?) So people don't get the full paycheck that they need in order to survive. That means people most likely won't go out and buy things because they are going to be struggling to put a roof over their heads, and food on the table. No going to the movies, buying video games, or getting that new shade of lipstick. Multiply that by oh, a hundred thousand people, off of work at the same time and you get an economy that is going to implode. (get your flu shot so you won't get sick, people)
The other reason that I'm not too keen on the flu shot is the fact that it's pushed just a little too hard for my tastes. Think of it. The flu shot isn't required. No one can make you get a flu shot, but they sure can push the subject. For example, even though I worked at a hospital the flu shot was not required. But it was highly encouraged. So much so, that they kept track of the people who didn't take the flu shot, and grilled...i mean asked them kindly to change their minds so every worker in the hospital got the flu shot. They kept charts and even gave some type of prize to the workers if there was 100% particaipation which there never was.
So, why would this be so important to make sure people are getting this flu shot? The most important phrase I can think of here is: voluenteered. Why did I get the flu shot? They didn't give me a choice. They shot me up, and then I found out later during orination that I didn't have to get one. Great. I smell a conspiracy here.
The goveremet can't force people to do something, but they can sure use a lot of smoke and mirrors to make everyone believe that they must. Business can get fined or denied certain types of gov't assiatance if they don't have a certain percentage of their workers get the flu shots. Or you know, because they are providing a service to their employess so they won't have to suffer through the flu, which of course is the main reason the flu shot is so important.....
What are in these flu shots anyway? Who says that they are just a dead strand of the flu? And why do they think that this particular stand of flu is going to be the big one this year? Is it because that's the strand that *They leak out into the public? Getting flu shots is a big dollar business for people who develop the shot, those who give the shot, and so on and so forth. We, the public, have a great illusion of choice. Even though we may not be aware that we do have a choice, it's there. I could have said no to my flu shot, but I would have also ran the risk of not having a job. (which in the long run would have been better for me and I wouldn't be sick now) But I just took it...albeit only after they had already given me my shot and then told me what it was. Next time I ask first!
So, I think there is something in that shot that the goverment wants us to have for whatever reason. It could be anything from floride, to GPS trackers. The big push isn't for the health of our society. It's an extremely good excuse for a "let's see what happens," experiement. And for those who thinks that the our gov't wouldn't do that to us, need I remind you of LSD/CIA/LBJ. Enough said. The majority of the public gets the flu shot, the majority of people can therefore be used for whatever They want us to be used for. So, make your own choice about getting the flu shot. If it is something that works for you, by all means go for it. Just make sure it is your choice, and yours alone. That no job or person is pushing you into it because we really have no clue what we are getting pushed through our veins. I know that I'm never going to get a flu shot again unless I want it, and only after I've questioned what exactly they are putting into my body. I don't need to be on another raider!
America: You can't get sick. Now get back to work!
* They: Who are they? Good question. They are the ones that run the world. No one knows who they are so they will be refered to as: Them,They ect....
So, apart of my new "adventure" in Waterloo has already taken me down some paths I much rather forget. Mainly being forced to get SHOTS!!! I was at a....cough....job...cough...for a few weeks, and I had to get a series of shots that ranged from everything that we got in childhood before we could even go to school, to the flu shot. While I understand the purpose of most shots, I'm not really keen on the idea of a flu shot. Why? A few reasons. For one, I get sick every single time that I get the flu shot including right now at this very moment. (And i don't care what all those people saying that it is a dead stand of the flu that you are getting, my expereince tells me different. Also, I've never gotten the flu unless I GET THE SHOT!!!! Ok, I'm good for now, thanks. now excuse me while i get sick from the FLU!!)
Second, I always wonder why they push the flu shot so hard. Yes, I understand that we are trying to keep people from getting sick. We live in a society where it is not okay to be ill. Even though I've heard a million different times the phrase: 'if you're sick, stay home, we don't want you here if you are sick." What they really mean is, "if you aren't vomiting blood then you need to be here." Trust me, if you can move, they want you at work. People come to work sick out of pure fear. Fear of getting fired, fear of not having enough money on their paycheck, fear of getting harrased by co-workers. So, the flu shot is one way of trying to keep people healthy enough to work. But can you imagine what would it be like if people were allowed to be sick and actually stay home to get better?
Why, that would mean that the stock market would suffer. Not everyone has sick time, or vacation time that they can take when they get sick. Or, if you are suffering from an illness that is going to keep you away from work for a long peorid of time, they make it near impossible to get any type of help. (Case in point: My job denied my short term disablity/fml or any help when I was ill last year. They said I wasn't sick enough to get the help. So I went without any type of paycheck for 3 months. I want to know how I wasn't sick enough when I was literally told that I didn't have long to live, signed a DNR, and tell my loved ones goodbye? Not sick enough for ya? Really?) So people don't get the full paycheck that they need in order to survive. That means people most likely won't go out and buy things because they are going to be struggling to put a roof over their heads, and food on the table. No going to the movies, buying video games, or getting that new shade of lipstick. Multiply that by oh, a hundred thousand people, off of work at the same time and you get an economy that is going to implode. (get your flu shot so you won't get sick, people)
The other reason that I'm not too keen on the flu shot is the fact that it's pushed just a little too hard for my tastes. Think of it. The flu shot isn't required. No one can make you get a flu shot, but they sure can push the subject. For example, even though I worked at a hospital the flu shot was not required. But it was highly encouraged. So much so, that they kept track of the people who didn't take the flu shot, and grilled...i mean asked them kindly to change their minds so every worker in the hospital got the flu shot. They kept charts and even gave some type of prize to the workers if there was 100% particaipation which there never was.
So, why would this be so important to make sure people are getting this flu shot? The most important phrase I can think of here is: voluenteered. Why did I get the flu shot? They didn't give me a choice. They shot me up, and then I found out later during orination that I didn't have to get one. Great. I smell a conspiracy here.
The goveremet can't force people to do something, but they can sure use a lot of smoke and mirrors to make everyone believe that they must. Business can get fined or denied certain types of gov't assiatance if they don't have a certain percentage of their workers get the flu shots. Or you know, because they are providing a service to their employess so they won't have to suffer through the flu, which of course is the main reason the flu shot is so important.....
What are in these flu shots anyway? Who says that they are just a dead strand of the flu? And why do they think that this particular stand of flu is going to be the big one this year? Is it because that's the strand that *They leak out into the public? Getting flu shots is a big dollar business for people who develop the shot, those who give the shot, and so on and so forth. We, the public, have a great illusion of choice. Even though we may not be aware that we do have a choice, it's there. I could have said no to my flu shot, but I would have also ran the risk of not having a job. (which in the long run would have been better for me and I wouldn't be sick now) But I just took it...albeit only after they had already given me my shot and then told me what it was. Next time I ask first!
So, I think there is something in that shot that the goverment wants us to have for whatever reason. It could be anything from floride, to GPS trackers. The big push isn't for the health of our society. It's an extremely good excuse for a "let's see what happens," experiement. And for those who thinks that the our gov't wouldn't do that to us, need I remind you of LSD/CIA/LBJ. Enough said. The majority of the public gets the flu shot, the majority of people can therefore be used for whatever They want us to be used for. So, make your own choice about getting the flu shot. If it is something that works for you, by all means go for it. Just make sure it is your choice, and yours alone. That no job or person is pushing you into it because we really have no clue what we are getting pushed through our veins. I know that I'm never going to get a flu shot again unless I want it, and only after I've questioned what exactly they are putting into my body. I don't need to be on another raider!
America: You can't get sick. Now get back to work!
* They: Who are they? Good question. They are the ones that run the world. No one knows who they are so they will be refered to as: Them,They ect....
Thursday, March 31, 2011
The CIA Didn't get me, yet...
Hello my followers,
Just to confirm that I have not been taken by the CIA/FBI or any other alphabet soup that you can throw in there. Thank you for those who have been asking to see if I'm not in a prison camp somewhere. Alas, I've just had a bad couple of weeks and haven't been able to follow up with my much loved theories. Like I said, it's a full time job being a nut.
So, believe me I'll be writing more. I've had some major changes in the last few weeks and some fuel for the fire. Although somehow I'm still single.....sigh....and almost 30....Really, the clock is ticking. Can you hear it? I can....tick tick tick....
Ok, I will be back. And better than ever supplying you with my insanity. Thank you again fans for checking on me.
Good karma and a cookie,
Just to confirm that I have not been taken by the CIA/FBI or any other alphabet soup that you can throw in there. Thank you for those who have been asking to see if I'm not in a prison camp somewhere. Alas, I've just had a bad couple of weeks and haven't been able to follow up with my much loved theories. Like I said, it's a full time job being a nut.
So, believe me I'll be writing more. I've had some major changes in the last few weeks and some fuel for the fire. Although somehow I'm still single.....sigh....and almost 30....Really, the clock is ticking. Can you hear it? I can....tick tick tick....
Ok, I will be back. And better than ever supplying you with my insanity. Thank you again fans for checking on me.
Good karma and a cookie,
Friday, February 25, 2011
2012: Conspiracy Fun!
Ralph Burch will be able be eligible to retire December 13th, 2012. Is this a cruel universal joke? A man who has worked so hard who gets to retire on the day after the world is supposed to end? Or is it simply just another day and Ralph will be able to enjoy his much deserved retirement? (If I'm not right, then it is kinda of cruel joke. Way to go world. That's sarcasm by the way)
So, do I like many other people feel like the world will end December 12th, 2012? Do I think it will be mass global destruction?
What's that loyal readers? I don't think that anything is going to happen in 2012? What? How could that be? The self-proclaimed queen of "what ifs" really doesn't think anything will happen except another day?
The first reason I don't believe that anything is going to happen is that I have no worries of when the world is going to end. If it's going to end, it's going to end and not even Bruce Willis can save us. I don't worry about it because what are we going to do? So why worry. I don't think any one person can predict the end of this world because it may never happen, and if it does it's not like we'll be around the next day to point fingers.
Second, the calender everyone is talking about was cut out of a cave. A huge chunk of it was destroyed. And who says they really could translate the calender? Words can be misunderstood and lost in translation. What if instead of the world ending in 2012 it's actually the day everyone is supposed to eat ice cream and dye their hair pink? Do you ever think that the Mayans are sitting on their clouds laughing at us and all of this crazy going on? I do.
Third: What is this is all symbolic? Most of the beings holding knowledge don't want to just give us the answers. We have to work for them. What's the point of getting all the answers to the test the day before the exam? You may get an A, but you just got an F in life. And shame on you for cheating!!! What if there is just a lesson that we need to learn here? What if we need to learn that our concept of time is just plain wrong. I tend to believe that time runs in a circle, and not in a straight line. (If that's the case then there is some version of me in the Bahamas right now.....sigh) What is this is our time to look beyond our selves and have a "spiritual awakening?" What if it's time to realize that there really are aliens? (sweet)
I just don't think there is any reason to get all worked up about it. Look back. There have been many "big dates" in which the world was going to end. It didn't happen. But what did happen is a lot of books, TV shows, and movies got made. People got to cash in just as they are now. Looks like this whole repetition keeps happening because we are ignoring what we should be learning instead of panicking, or finding a way to make money off of fear.
So, just maybe we should take a few steps back about this whole 2012 thing. The date isn't important. The calender isn't important. What is important that society as a whole fears about the end of their time. Maybe instead of fearing the end of their time they should make the best of what time they do have. Every day is a gamble. If we live in fear, then we've lost out on life. So instead of being worried on December 12th, 2012, go eat some ice cream. Go for a walk. Tell the people around you that love them. Live life, don't wait for a moment that may never happen.
So, do I like many other people feel like the world will end December 12th, 2012? Do I think it will be mass global destruction?
What's that loyal readers? I don't think that anything is going to happen in 2012? What? How could that be? The self-proclaimed queen of "what ifs" really doesn't think anything will happen except another day?
The first reason I don't believe that anything is going to happen is that I have no worries of when the world is going to end. If it's going to end, it's going to end and not even Bruce Willis can save us. I don't worry about it because what are we going to do? So why worry. I don't think any one person can predict the end of this world because it may never happen, and if it does it's not like we'll be around the next day to point fingers.
Second, the calender everyone is talking about was cut out of a cave. A huge chunk of it was destroyed. And who says they really could translate the calender? Words can be misunderstood and lost in translation. What if instead of the world ending in 2012 it's actually the day everyone is supposed to eat ice cream and dye their hair pink? Do you ever think that the Mayans are sitting on their clouds laughing at us and all of this crazy going on? I do.
Third: What is this is all symbolic? Most of the beings holding knowledge don't want to just give us the answers. We have to work for them. What's the point of getting all the answers to the test the day before the exam? You may get an A, but you just got an F in life. And shame on you for cheating!!! What if there is just a lesson that we need to learn here? What if we need to learn that our concept of time is just plain wrong. I tend to believe that time runs in a circle, and not in a straight line. (If that's the case then there is some version of me in the Bahamas right now.....sigh) What is this is our time to look beyond our selves and have a "spiritual awakening?" What if it's time to realize that there really are aliens? (sweet)
I just don't think there is any reason to get all worked up about it. Look back. There have been many "big dates" in which the world was going to end. It didn't happen. But what did happen is a lot of books, TV shows, and movies got made. People got to cash in just as they are now. Looks like this whole repetition keeps happening because we are ignoring what we should be learning instead of panicking, or finding a way to make money off of fear.
So, just maybe we should take a few steps back about this whole 2012 thing. The date isn't important. The calender isn't important. What is important that society as a whole fears about the end of their time. Maybe instead of fearing the end of their time they should make the best of what time they do have. Every day is a gamble. If we live in fear, then we've lost out on life. So instead of being worried on December 12th, 2012, go eat some ice cream. Go for a walk. Tell the people around you that love them. Live life, don't wait for a moment that may never happen.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Conspiracy 102: Now that you've admitted you're a nut, let's talk aliens:
Are we alone in the world? A question that has been debated since.....yep, that long. There are countless books,blogs, and shows that take each side. If you don't agree with what they are saying at least there is some great entertainment. Come on, I love "ET." This is just going to focus on the conspiracy behind why I believe in aliens. A first, in what I'm sure will be a lovely series. I'm going to stretch it out a little bit before the CIA gets me. This time.
So, do I believe in aliens?
Short answers: Yes. Long answer: Yes.
There are many reasons to believe in aliens. The first of which is simple math. We have no idea how big this universe is. We can guess, but it has never been measured. We don't know if this is the only universe or if we are just the pin point on a much larger scale. So, just out of sheer probability we are not alone and it would be very vain to believe that we are.
So, why besides math do I think that aliens exist? The number one answer is TV. If you think about it, about every 20 years or so there seems to be a big push for alien story lines. There was the whole Area 51 thing in the sixties. What I remember the most is the big push in the eighties. A run down of big shows with a alien base back in the eighties were: "Alf, Alien Nation, The X-Files, Alien Autopsy," to name a few.
During this time I was around 10 years old and I become convinced that an alien life form was either going to come to get me, or had somehow switched places with my parents. Saying that I was preoccupied was an understatement. I literally was so afraid that an alien would come and get me while I was in my bed, that I stopped sleeping. I slept on the floor of my parent's room, or outside my brothers room on the floor (i was still not that desperate to sleep on the floor of his room..eww) or under my bed.
I believe that there are two reasons that a big media push happens on one particular subject. The first and most obvious is the very thing they are pushing is real, and is happening right now. The coverage is news or a reflection of what is going on in society at that moment. The second reason is a distraction. If you make a big enough fuss about one thing, it's very easy to focus on that, and not see what is going on right in front of you. I think that the alien push has been both depending on what was needed, or what was going on at that time.
One of the biggest things that set me over the edge of questioning, to out and out believing, happened because of a cartoon, "American Dad." Sounds crazy. It is. But my reasons aren't just because I really enjoy the character of Roger and wished that I had a cross-dressing, Paul Lynn voiced alien living in my house. That, no doubt, would be a blast. Roger the Alien is a fictional character from one of my writing heroes. I know he is not real. But when I was that scared 10 year old girl, I was afraid at one very large chunk of that time, that there was an aliening living in my attic.
Part of that reason is that even to this day, I have never been in the attic of the house I grew up in. My Dad told us that it was dangerous, and we shouldn't play up there.In fact, we have to stay away from it completely. Well, we were short, and thanks to TV, has a short attention span, so we didn't try to grab the cord and pull down the steps that lead into the land of the unknown. So that coupled with my "active imagination," made for some great freak outs. I would sometimes sit and watch that attic door waiting for the alien to push open the door, and walk down the dusty stairs. I was waiting for him to tell me, " Hey, Lisa you were right the whole time. I'm the alien that has been watching you, and I'm the one that switched places with your parents. I'm the reason that you can't sleep at night. And oh, that was me on channel 4."
So seeing Roger on "American Dad" brought it all back to me. I was able to say for a second that I was right. Or at least I could be right. Maybe there was an alien living in my attic. My Dad worked for the Government too, like Stan Smith! My God! I knew it aliens were real!!!!!
What do you think? Is there an alien race, or am I just crazy......(don't answer that second half, we already know the answer to that...:)
So, do I believe in aliens?
Short answers: Yes. Long answer: Yes.
There are many reasons to believe in aliens. The first of which is simple math. We have no idea how big this universe is. We can guess, but it has never been measured. We don't know if this is the only universe or if we are just the pin point on a much larger scale. So, just out of sheer probability we are not alone and it would be very vain to believe that we are.
So, why besides math do I think that aliens exist? The number one answer is TV. If you think about it, about every 20 years or so there seems to be a big push for alien story lines. There was the whole Area 51 thing in the sixties. What I remember the most is the big push in the eighties. A run down of big shows with a alien base back in the eighties were: "Alf, Alien Nation, The X-Files, Alien Autopsy," to name a few.
During this time I was around 10 years old and I become convinced that an alien life form was either going to come to get me, or had somehow switched places with my parents. Saying that I was preoccupied was an understatement. I literally was so afraid that an alien would come and get me while I was in my bed, that I stopped sleeping. I slept on the floor of my parent's room, or outside my brothers room on the floor (i was still not that desperate to sleep on the floor of his room..eww) or under my bed.
I believe that there are two reasons that a big media push happens on one particular subject. The first and most obvious is the very thing they are pushing is real, and is happening right now. The coverage is news or a reflection of what is going on in society at that moment. The second reason is a distraction. If you make a big enough fuss about one thing, it's very easy to focus on that, and not see what is going on right in front of you. I think that the alien push has been both depending on what was needed, or what was going on at that time.
One of the biggest things that set me over the edge of questioning, to out and out believing, happened because of a cartoon, "American Dad." Sounds crazy. It is. But my reasons aren't just because I really enjoy the character of Roger and wished that I had a cross-dressing, Paul Lynn voiced alien living in my house. That, no doubt, would be a blast. Roger the Alien is a fictional character from one of my writing heroes. I know he is not real. But when I was that scared 10 year old girl, I was afraid at one very large chunk of that time, that there was an aliening living in my attic.
Part of that reason is that even to this day, I have never been in the attic of the house I grew up in. My Dad told us that it was dangerous, and we shouldn't play up there.In fact, we have to stay away from it completely. Well, we were short, and thanks to TV, has a short attention span, so we didn't try to grab the cord and pull down the steps that lead into the land of the unknown. So that coupled with my "active imagination," made for some great freak outs. I would sometimes sit and watch that attic door waiting for the alien to push open the door, and walk down the dusty stairs. I was waiting for him to tell me, " Hey, Lisa you were right the whole time. I'm the alien that has been watching you, and I'm the one that switched places with your parents. I'm the reason that you can't sleep at night. And oh, that was me on channel 4."
So seeing Roger on "American Dad" brought it all back to me. I was able to say for a second that I was right. Or at least I could be right. Maybe there was an alien living in my attic. My Dad worked for the Government too, like Stan Smith! My God! I knew it aliens were real!!!!!
What do you think? Is there an alien race, or am I just crazy......(don't answer that second half, we already know the answer to that...:)
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Conspiracy Theory #1: The King of Pop
Disclaimer: If you are a Michael Jackson fan, you may not want to read this. This is written by a MJ fan, but you've been warned so no angry letters. OK, maybe one, but that's all!
I've been chewing on this one for awhile. Michael Jackson officially died during my ten-year high school reunion. It's one of those "where were you we you heard the news" moments. Only because he was such a big part of our childhood, and for the last several years, the butt of many, many jokes. Aaron texted me first telling me that he collapsed. I was sitting in comfy chair at my parents house waiting for Brandi to pick me up. A few minutes later he wrote me again and told me that he was dead.
Was I surprised? Not at all. Sad? Sort of.
This man who had become the Michael Jackson, king of tabloid and late night TV, was just a shadow of what we had grown up with. This man who was accused of the sickest thing a person could be accused of was gone. This man who dangled a child from a window, married Lisa Maria Presley, and bought airline tickets for puppets was no longer alive. Michael Jackson was strange, no doubt about it. BUT.....Was the man that died during my reunion really Michael Jackson, or was it someone acting as Michael Jackson?
Don't get me wrong, I believe that MJ is dead, but I think that he died in the 80's rather than 2009.
As many of you recall, in 1984 MJ was the sponsor for Pepsi, and while filming a commercial he caught on fire. He was treated for the burns, recovered, and started to become a literal caricature of himself. Could this be post traumatic stress, or some other mental disorder that caused him to become the way that he did. Certainly, but what would have happened if he had died?
Mj had many multi-million dollar projects going on. If he died then there would be lawsuits that would most likely still be going on today. It was the 80's and the economic depression very much mirrors what is going on today so nothing would just disappear. Money would need to be paid back, everyone had their hands out. What would you do if you were a manager, promoter, or a sponsor and your very bread and butter just died. The man who holds the key to your very financial future. Would you be desperate or crazy enough to find someone and create a new Michael Jackson?
The old bait and switch. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
My theory is that very thing happened. I believe that MJ's accident cost him his life. Now if he died quickly or awhile later doesn't really matter. Anyone who has been trained in first aid (me) can tell you that you can sub come to shock, no matter how big or small and injury is. So it stands to be possible that even if his burns were not "that bad," shock to a human body is enough to end life.
So put yourself in a desperate man's place: Your meal ticket just died, and every bit of money that you invested will not only be gone, but will destroy you, your family, your company for years to come. So, why not find an actor to become MJ? Voice lessons, dance lessons, many plastic surgeries later and you've got yourself an answers. Even in the 80's the technology existed to alter a singing voice. Hell, I could even sing like MJ. By 1984 his top albums were already out. "Thriller" came out in 1982. The famous moon walk happened in 1983. The masterpieces were already done.
So, when you got what you want what is the next step.
Destroy the evidence.
MJ went downhill fast. He changed his appearance, his voice, his very life. There is more than enough proof that he had minders who kept he well drugged.This man was never alone. He rarely spent time with his family. He was watched like a hawk. Why? Well, an illusion can only last so long before you see that it's all smoke and mirrors.
You got want you wanted, so bring down the king. Start rumors, make accusations, spin. Make him seem like a creep, a molester, a crazy person. No one will get close enough to him then to see the truth. Make sure that the truth dies with him.
Now, in 2009 MJ did die prior to a concert. I do see the grey area here that he died owing millions of dollars because of this. But there was one thing that they did have now that they didn't then.
The Beatles's catalog. The deal did not go through until 1985, one year after his accident. The partial sell of the catalog happened in 2005 giving the Jackson camp 95 million dollars to help them out of this little mess.
Plus, as we all know a person like that is worth more in death than they were alive dollar sign wise. It is a no-brainier that his album sales would soar, books would be written, and of course movies and TV shows would all be paying for the right to play a MJ song.His songs are not public domain, so of course a price must be paid. Money now, would be much easier to get this time around. And when the remainder of the catalog will go up for sell, it will fetch millions.
So, what is the truth? We may never know. But one thing is true. The artist known as Michael Jackson is dead, and we are left with his music, and videos as a tribute to what was......or what might have been.
You decide.
I've been chewing on this one for awhile. Michael Jackson officially died during my ten-year high school reunion. It's one of those "where were you we you heard the news" moments. Only because he was such a big part of our childhood, and for the last several years, the butt of many, many jokes. Aaron texted me first telling me that he collapsed. I was sitting in comfy chair at my parents house waiting for Brandi to pick me up. A few minutes later he wrote me again and told me that he was dead.
Was I surprised? Not at all. Sad? Sort of.
This man who had become the Michael Jackson, king of tabloid and late night TV, was just a shadow of what we had grown up with. This man who was accused of the sickest thing a person could be accused of was gone. This man who dangled a child from a window, married Lisa Maria Presley, and bought airline tickets for puppets was no longer alive. Michael Jackson was strange, no doubt about it. BUT.....Was the man that died during my reunion really Michael Jackson, or was it someone acting as Michael Jackson?
Don't get me wrong, I believe that MJ is dead, but I think that he died in the 80's rather than 2009.
As many of you recall, in 1984 MJ was the sponsor for Pepsi, and while filming a commercial he caught on fire. He was treated for the burns, recovered, and started to become a literal caricature of himself. Could this be post traumatic stress, or some other mental disorder that caused him to become the way that he did. Certainly, but what would have happened if he had died?
Mj had many multi-million dollar projects going on. If he died then there would be lawsuits that would most likely still be going on today. It was the 80's and the economic depression very much mirrors what is going on today so nothing would just disappear. Money would need to be paid back, everyone had their hands out. What would you do if you were a manager, promoter, or a sponsor and your very bread and butter just died. The man who holds the key to your very financial future. Would you be desperate or crazy enough to find someone and create a new Michael Jackson?
The old bait and switch. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
My theory is that very thing happened. I believe that MJ's accident cost him his life. Now if he died quickly or awhile later doesn't really matter. Anyone who has been trained in first aid (me) can tell you that you can sub come to shock, no matter how big or small and injury is. So it stands to be possible that even if his burns were not "that bad," shock to a human body is enough to end life.
So put yourself in a desperate man's place: Your meal ticket just died, and every bit of money that you invested will not only be gone, but will destroy you, your family, your company for years to come. So, why not find an actor to become MJ? Voice lessons, dance lessons, many plastic surgeries later and you've got yourself an answers. Even in the 80's the technology existed to alter a singing voice. Hell, I could even sing like MJ. By 1984 his top albums were already out. "Thriller" came out in 1982. The famous moon walk happened in 1983. The masterpieces were already done.
So, when you got what you want what is the next step.
Destroy the evidence.
MJ went downhill fast. He changed his appearance, his voice, his very life. There is more than enough proof that he had minders who kept he well drugged.This man was never alone. He rarely spent time with his family. He was watched like a hawk. Why? Well, an illusion can only last so long before you see that it's all smoke and mirrors.
You got want you wanted, so bring down the king. Start rumors, make accusations, spin. Make him seem like a creep, a molester, a crazy person. No one will get close enough to him then to see the truth. Make sure that the truth dies with him.
Now, in 2009 MJ did die prior to a concert. I do see the grey area here that he died owing millions of dollars because of this. But there was one thing that they did have now that they didn't then.
The Beatles's catalog. The deal did not go through until 1985, one year after his accident. The partial sell of the catalog happened in 2005 giving the Jackson camp 95 million dollars to help them out of this little mess.
Plus, as we all know a person like that is worth more in death than they were alive dollar sign wise. It is a no-brainier that his album sales would soar, books would be written, and of course movies and TV shows would all be paying for the right to play a MJ song.His songs are not public domain, so of course a price must be paid. Money now, would be much easier to get this time around. And when the remainder of the catalog will go up for sell, it will fetch millions.
So, what is the truth? We may never know. But one thing is true. The artist known as Michael Jackson is dead, and we are left with his music, and videos as a tribute to what was......or what might have been.
You decide.
Conspiracy Theory 101: The first step is admitting you're a nut:
I love conspiracy theories. If you didn't know that, then we have never met. If that is the case, nice to meet you, and thanks for stopping by. I realized that there are thousands upon thousands of random conspiracy theories all over the net ranging from gas prices, to global conflict, to toothpaste. Any nut can rant about whatever they want. Today I looked in the mirror and said to myself: "Lisa, why can't you do that too? Today, I will become one of those nuts."
I know what you are thinking. Lisa, if you are a true conspiracy theorist, you do understand that putting your thoughts down in a form where anyone can read them means that you are on their radar now. I would simply pat your hand, offer you a hot beverage, and say: "Dear friend, I've been on the radar for years. Most likely, friend so have you. Would you like a refill?"
(Let me first start off by saying that I am not nor ever have been under the influence of illegal drugs, or alchol. I don't drink, and I barely take OTC meds. This crazy is all me and I don't need anything to inhance it. Being a conpiracy theorist is a fun hobby to have and I don't need anything to get in the way of that.)
So, how does one become a conspiracy nut, and who is "Them," "They" "The Goverment?" All in due time....
My story starts off like many who began a lifelong love of all things conspiracy. I didn't trust what I was told, and I was blessed with what my Mom likes to call, "a very vivid and active imagaination." Very early childhood memories flood when I try to pinpoint what exactly started it, but a few stick out.
One: When I was about 4, I announced to my Dad that the war in Vietnam was still going on. Dad was a former Air Force officer and I grew up hearing interesting stories that would also help shape my crazy. My Dad tried to calmly explain to me that I must have seen something on TV. Just because you see it on TV doesn't mean that it is real, or happening right now. But it was the early 80's. Guess what,check your history books. I was right. Yep, crazy sometimes finds the truth....but not always....
Two: I have an\ older brother, Aaron. Aaron has always challenged me to question everything, mostly because it annoyed him when /I asked him the same question over and over again. Also, I always questioned his motivies. Why did he want me to come over there? Did he have some candy for me? Did he want to play Star Wars? Or did he want to break a waterballoon over my head? I never knew but I would always question, question, question. He also has what my Mom likes to call, "An Artistic Mind." Instead of looking at a photograph and seeing smiling people in the foreground, he would see the shadows. He taught me that the photographer wants you to focus here, but what is he or she trying to hide over to the side? He also has a bit of a conspiracy mind. He once tried to convince me that sleeping is nothing but a habbit that is learned. That was a FUN week, let me tell ya.
Three: Star Wars/ Yes, the movie.Do I need to say more?
Four: Sunday School. When I was in first grade Sunday school, I had a very nice teacher who's name escapes me, but poor soul couldn't handle the likes a small conspiracy theorist in the making. I got "asked to leave" on more than one occasion because I didn't believe that the "answers" I was given were the right ones. I think I just exhasted to poor lady, and for that I am sorry. I'm sure that someday if I ever get to be a teacher, I'll get my payback! The questions were simple: Who wrote the Bible? What was Jesus' middle name? Who created God? What I learned from this whole experience is that the anwers aren't the most important thing. It's the questions and the journey you take to get to a place where you believe that you've found the answers. Great teacher.
Five: (and last because I'm sure you are itching to find out what my theories are just as much as I'm itching to write about them...lol) There are many things that I was taught in English class that I love, but chose to ignore, like puncation and grammer. I actually wrote on a paper to a teacher ( i think it was Miss H) once that my grammer and puncation were fine because I'm an artist. Those rules of puncation puts restrictions on my creativity and I will not be limited. Needless to say, that didn't go over to well, but it got a huge laugh out of my parents. I didn't think it was funny. Anywho....One thing I did take to heart was point of view narrative. One place POV didn't belong was anything that was supposed to be unbiased such as a report, or a text book. So imagine my HORROR when I opened my pages to my 6th grade history book and saw the words: "I think" in black and white. "I think!!!!!!" In a history book!!!!!!! There is no room for an opinon in my history book.. When I took the book to my teacher and told her we needed to get a new one because this Must be a mistake she told me to ignore it. IGNORE IT? Are you kidding me? If somebody is putting their opinon of what happened in historical events in a 6th grade book, then whos to say that someone hasn't added their own take in grown-up history?
Nope, that did it. I would never trust what was said to be the truth again. I tried to stop causing these poor teachers heart ache, because I realized that it wasn't their fault at all. They were working with what they were told to teach. So then I asked, who's making them teach this? Why are we learning this and not that?
Why? Why? Why? Who is the machine?
And a connspiracy theorist was born, and ready to go into the battle armed with my research, and my "creative mind" in order to find what I would deem the truth. The more I dig, the more questions I find. The thing is, everything is just one small part of a bigger picture. There is nothing I love more than discecting a story and finding it's core, so that is what a conpsiracy theorist to me is. And what I will continue to be until there are no more questions that need an answer.
Or if i get board......
Part One: Background in a "Creative Mind:"
I know what you are thinking. Lisa, if you are a true conspiracy theorist, you do understand that putting your thoughts down in a form where anyone can read them means that you are on their radar now. I would simply pat your hand, offer you a hot beverage, and say: "Dear friend, I've been on the radar for years. Most likely, friend so have you. Would you like a refill?"
(Let me first start off by saying that I am not nor ever have been under the influence of illegal drugs, or alchol. I don't drink, and I barely take OTC meds. This crazy is all me and I don't need anything to inhance it. Being a conpiracy theorist is a fun hobby to have and I don't need anything to get in the way of that.)
So, how does one become a conspiracy nut, and who is "Them," "They" "The Goverment?" All in due time....
My story starts off like many who began a lifelong love of all things conspiracy. I didn't trust what I was told, and I was blessed with what my Mom likes to call, "a very vivid and active imagaination." Very early childhood memories flood when I try to pinpoint what exactly started it, but a few stick out.
One: When I was about 4, I announced to my Dad that the war in Vietnam was still going on. Dad was a former Air Force officer and I grew up hearing interesting stories that would also help shape my crazy. My Dad tried to calmly explain to me that I must have seen something on TV. Just because you see it on TV doesn't mean that it is real, or happening right now. But it was the early 80's. Guess what,check your history books. I was right. Yep, crazy sometimes finds the truth....but not always....
Two: I have an\ older brother, Aaron. Aaron has always challenged me to question everything, mostly because it annoyed him when /I asked him the same question over and over again. Also, I always questioned his motivies. Why did he want me to come over there? Did he have some candy for me? Did he want to play Star Wars? Or did he want to break a waterballoon over my head? I never knew but I would always question, question, question. He also has what my Mom likes to call, "An Artistic Mind." Instead of looking at a photograph and seeing smiling people in the foreground, he would see the shadows. He taught me that the photographer wants you to focus here, but what is he or she trying to hide over to the side? He also has a bit of a conspiracy mind. He once tried to convince me that sleeping is nothing but a habbit that is learned. That was a FUN week, let me tell ya.
Three: Star Wars/ Yes, the movie.Do I need to say more?
Four: Sunday School. When I was in first grade Sunday school, I had a very nice teacher who's name escapes me, but poor soul couldn't handle the likes a small conspiracy theorist in the making. I got "asked to leave" on more than one occasion because I didn't believe that the "answers" I was given were the right ones. I think I just exhasted to poor lady, and for that I am sorry. I'm sure that someday if I ever get to be a teacher, I'll get my payback! The questions were simple: Who wrote the Bible? What was Jesus' middle name? Who created God? What I learned from this whole experience is that the anwers aren't the most important thing. It's the questions and the journey you take to get to a place where you believe that you've found the answers. Great teacher.
Five: (and last because I'm sure you are itching to find out what my theories are just as much as I'm itching to write about them...lol) There are many things that I was taught in English class that I love, but chose to ignore, like puncation and grammer. I actually wrote on a paper to a teacher ( i think it was Miss H) once that my grammer and puncation were fine because I'm an artist. Those rules of puncation puts restrictions on my creativity and I will not be limited. Needless to say, that didn't go over to well, but it got a huge laugh out of my parents. I didn't think it was funny. Anywho....One thing I did take to heart was point of view narrative. One place POV didn't belong was anything that was supposed to be unbiased such as a report, or a text book. So imagine my HORROR when I opened my pages to my 6th grade history book and saw the words: "I think" in black and white. "I think!!!!!!" In a history book!!!!!!! There is no room for an opinon in my history book.. When I took the book to my teacher and told her we needed to get a new one because this Must be a mistake she told me to ignore it. IGNORE IT? Are you kidding me? If somebody is putting their opinon of what happened in historical events in a 6th grade book, then whos to say that someone hasn't added their own take in grown-up history?
Nope, that did it. I would never trust what was said to be the truth again. I tried to stop causing these poor teachers heart ache, because I realized that it wasn't their fault at all. They were working with what they were told to teach. So then I asked, who's making them teach this? Why are we learning this and not that?
Why? Why? Why? Who is the machine?
And a connspiracy theorist was born, and ready to go into the battle armed with my research, and my "creative mind" in order to find what I would deem the truth. The more I dig, the more questions I find. The thing is, everything is just one small part of a bigger picture. There is nothing I love more than discecting a story and finding it's core, so that is what a conpsiracy theorist to me is. And what I will continue to be until there are no more questions that need an answer.
Or if i get board......
Part One: Background in a "Creative Mind:"
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
And so there was the blog
In the beginning, there was a young girl at her computer playing around on Facebook. She was downtown during the day time and came upon a strange sight. Behold, before her in middle of the busy section was a duck, sitting in front of a meter as though he were waiting for correct change. She approached the duck, dumbfounded as to why it was so far away from the water, other ducks, and looked as though it was waiting on traffic.
So she took a few pictures because this was to strange not to share. And lo and behold, one of her best friends, Laurie saw the picture and decided it was time for her friend to start a blog.
And so there was the blog.....
Dedicated to my pnut, Laurie
So she took a few pictures because this was to strange not to share. And lo and behold, one of her best friends, Laurie saw the picture and decided it was time for her friend to start a blog.
And so there was the blog.....
Dedicated to my pnut, Laurie
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