Lisa and her Underdog

Lisa and her Underdog

Thursday, May 26, 2011

And I cheer for the underdog: Goodbye Mr. Laughlin

As most of you know, Mr. Lauglin, my elementary school principal passed away last week of cancer. I am writing my tribute for the "Red Oak Express," but I'm not sure what will get on the pages. But I'm just using this to say another thank you for the man who changed my life. Here is the unedited version of my story. Sorry to disappoint, no conspiracy here, just a simple thank you to a good man who will be missed. He was always cheering for the underdog......

While in second grade, I was in the middle of my show and tell speech. I just got this really cool pencil from my Mom that I had to share with everyone. It looked like a mailbox, and the eraser was a little package. I quickly launched into an entire story about this being a mailbox for a mouse and its family. While I was telling my story, Mr. Laughlin was walking by the classroom and stopped mid-step. He came into the room and listened to my story. I got embarrassed because this new principle was listening to my silly little story when he probably had better things to do.
Later that day Mr. Laughlin stopped me in the hallway. He told me how much that he loved my mouse story. I told him that I was embarrassed. Mr. Laughlin then said something to me that I will never forget, "Lisa, never be afraid of your gift." Until that very moment I had never thought of telling stories as anything more than entertainment. Not a gift.
A few years later he would chaperon several students to a writer's workshop, and that cemented what I wanted to do with my life. It was because of Mr. Laughlin that I went after my dreams. He will be dearly missed, but his legacy will live on in all of his kids.

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