An open letter to 2016,
You, my friend, were awful from the moment that ball dropped, until you ran out. You took so many wonderful people this year. You damaged the very fabric of our world with the holes that you have left in our lives. I have seen the worst, I have seen how terrible things could get. Thanks to your constant hardship, I no longer fear Hell because I lived it. I need to not only acknowledge the celebrities that you took, but the wonderful people in my life, and the ones that were damaged along the way.
So, here is my personal vent for this year:
F@%K You, For giving my best friend cancer, twice!!!!!! The radiation, the chemo, the surgery!!! The Hell, the pure Hell that you have put her through, and we know it's not close to being done yet. She is still kicking but F&$K you for this!!!!!!
For giving a little girl cancer and watching her go from healthy to a shell. F$$K You! She is still fighting too.
For the entire last part of the year that was so personally bad to me I almost ended it, twice. For the Hell of a personal situation that will effect me for the rest of my life..... For the Hell that makes me shake and keeps me up at night....
You didn't win all of 2016:
I had the most wonderful friends in the entire world to get me through this. I had more support, love, and people who were able to pick me up when I couldn't even see straight. When I wanted to stop, they pushed me to keep going. When the impossible happened, and kept happening, I had love and support from people that I will never ever be able to pay back. I have my Mom close to me now which is so wonderful. I have fallen but I have been picked up. I fought until my knuckles were bloody and I kept punching. I kept going even though I was pushed beyond any limits I thought I had. I found strength in almost nothing that I had left. I am so lucky for my friends because without them, I never would have gotten through 2016.
So goodbye. I know that the clock striking midnight won't change things. It's not a magical wand that will make everything a clean slate. There is still lots of Hell coming. I know what I am in for, for the most part, and I know how bad it can get. But I know that you didn't kill me, 2016, even though you tried. You almost took everything that I had, but I'm still breathing. You taught me to keep fighting even though I didn't have any breath left. It's a new year, and it only is a change in what we write on a calendar. It can be whatever we make it to be, but you won't beat me. 2013 didn't and neither did you, 2016. Three years of Hell and more to come, but you didn't succeed in taking everything away from me. I'm still here, and you are over!
To all those we have lost this year, I miss you. To all those who have been sick, I'm praying for you. For all those who felt hopeless, so did I, but I'm still here and you are too. Congratulations, because being here is a huge accomplishment. For all of those who are scared, I am too, but we can get through the impossible together.
You are not alone!
Lisa and her Underdog

Saturday, December 31, 2016
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
The Force is Stronger Today
Good Bye, Carrie Fisher
And Thank You From This Little Girl Who Needed You:
Carrie Fisher passed away today after suffering a massive heart attack. My heart is broken, and I have cried. I will cry more. I didn't know her, just like I didn't know David Bowie, or Prince or George Micheal...F$%K! That doesn't mean that her passing didn't hurt. She brought to life a character that I needed as a child. Every little girl needed Princess Leia. Generations of little girls grew up seeing Carrie Fisher give life to Princess Leia and that character would not have been the same if played by another person. She had sass, she took charge, and she was classy. She showed fear, showed leadership, and wasn't afraid to fight.
When I was a kid, we didn't have those type of women in film or on TV and she was such an influence that she shaped my life. We still are lacking strong female charters today, but we are moving in the right direction and it has to do with Carrie Fisher. We never would of had Rey, who is so sorely needed for girls today! We never would have had female Ghostbusters, and on and on and on. No, I didn't know her, but I knew her influence. She was a face that I saw since I was a baby and grew up with. She was someone I watched and enjoyed seeing. The Force Awakens had me crying at many parts, but one of them was seeing Carrie Fisher being General Leia once more. We needed her, we still need her, but the Force needed her more. Just like David Bowie and all the rest, Carrie Fisher isn't gone, she is everywhere. Thank you for giving this girl HOPE!
Monday, December 26, 2016
What has past is coming again?
As many of you know, not only do I love doing research into conspiracy theories, and the paranormal, but I also enjoy looking into past lives. I see what I would consider evidence all of the time, especially from children. I have my own tough story that I struggled with for years and still wish I could find some way to validate what I believe. That I have lived before and this particulate life is one that I came to kicking and screaming the whole journey. I have been watching videos on Youtube which I am referring to as research. Yes, there is a lot of stupid stuff out there, but there is also a lot of things that lead to good research and ideas, so I don't have an issue with people using the resources they have at hand to assist them in finding an answer.
The video, "11 Signs you have reincarnated before" caught my eye so I watched it a few times. It was put up by Fridaykiss but I am not sure if they are the ones who have made the video, or are the ones who just posted it. Any who, I will give credit to Fridaykiss since that is where I saw this in the first place. I decided to go through this list myself and see what, if anything that I can relate to and have an experience that I can share. What I am willing to share, anyway. Come on, if you want really juicy details, I'm going to need more subscribers and some money rolling in! I know that none of this is proof of anything. I don't need proof because people are willing to die and kill for what they "know." I am looking for a good idea because ideas can be expanded and ideas can change. It's a lot easier to change an idea than something you think that you know. Thanks to my college logic teacher, that is something that I have been very cautious about. So here is the list and what I can relate to,or the lack of what I can relate to in some instances.
1. Recurring Dreams:
A recurring dream is just simply a dream that you have more than once that is exactly the same, or very close to the same as previous dreams. This is one that I actually can't really relate to. I have some vivid dreams once in awhile and some of those dreams have stayed with me for years. However, I don't really recall having the same dream more than once. It's possible that I have in the past and have talked about it with my friends, but as of right now in this moment in time, I can't remember having recurring dreams.
2. Out of place memories
Out of place memories is something you recall but have no reason to because you weren't even there. I have one strong example of this, and several other smaller ones. One took place when I was about 5 or 6. I was in my brother's room, with my Mom and I she was reading us a bedtime story, Star Wars. I was messing around and laughing. I stopped and told me Mom that I missed that song that she made up about Aaron that she used to sing. Aaron and Mom just looked at me, and Mom asked me what song. I then sang her the song that I remembered and she turned pale. She got mad and Aaron yelled at me that I wasn't even there! I was confused but Mom finished reading the story and we went to bed. A few years later and I asked my Mom about that incident. She told me that there was no way in the world that I could known that song. I told her I was there, sitting on the bed, listening to them sing. She then told me something that turned my blood cold. "Lisa, you couldn't have heard that song because you weren't even born yet. I didn't sing it again because I forgot about it until you brought it up that day. You couldn't have remembered it. You must have heard it from Aaron." I then went on to tell my Mom what she was wearing and what Aaron was wearing, and the subject was dropped forever.
3. Strong sense of intuition:
This is something that I can relate to very strongly. My sense of intuition has gotten me out of life threatening ordeals, helped me stay away from certain people, and even predict big events. Sometimes the events are good, and sometimes it's horrible. I wish I didn't have this sense sometimes. I knew almost down to the day a year in advance of when my Dad would pass away. I call that Hell. I also call it Hell when I can get feelings about people's health and it turns out I am right. There are times when this is handy and pushes me to listen to what my gut is telling me. It also tells me to not take for granted time that I have with my loved ones.
4. Deja Vu:
The sense of feeling that you have experience an event previously. This is something that I have had bits and pieces of feeling. One big event happened to me that actually changed my view on life. It is very personal, but I will give you a small bit of the story. I was at a concert in college and in the crowd, I saw a man. Every part of my being knew this man, even though I have never met him. I was actually shaking, and when we made eye contact it was like I was seeing a long lost soul that I knew very well. It was't a romantic thing, it was't a fearful thing, it was a recognition beyond anything that I have ever experienced before on that level. However, I would experience something very similar when I met my two best friends. Both at separate times, in separate places, when I met them the clearest thought in my head was, "there you are, I've been trying to find you!"
5. Empathy or Empath:
I was once told by someone that I trust that I walk into a room, and can absorb all of the emotions in that room. It was the first time that I have ever heard someone say that out loud and it was wonderful! I finally had words to describe what was going on in my life. Being an Empath is beyond taking clues and coming to a conclusion. It is actually being able to feel what another person is feeling such as anger, fear, happiness, or even illness. I can tell people how they are truly feeling even though they are fooling everyone else. I can sense illness and so many things. It's not just that. It is sometimes so bad, so overwhelming that I have no clue if what I am feeling are my feelings or someone else's feelings. I can walk into a room and literally not understand why I am so angry, or sad, or upset. It's extremely tough and exhausting. Sometimes, I will understand what is going on and let it, so other's don't need to feel so much pain. It is hard on me, and my health, but it has been proven to help others and that's what I do.
6. Precognition:
The ability to tell what is going to happen before the event happens. This is something outside of logical signs. For example, when I was in first grade, I predicted the earthquake during the world series the week before it happened. I told my Dad all about it and it happened exactly a week later. I knew the day I got into my life changing car accident that something terrible was going to happen that day, even though I wasn't clear on the accident. Another car accident years later, I got my cousin's dog out of the very back of the car and held her because I wanted to snuggle. I didn't want her being in the back of the car and I couldn't explain why. I actually begged my cousin to let me hold her. Good thing that I did because if she would have been there when the car smashed us in the back a few minutes later, she would have died.
7 Retro Cognition:
This is a term that I have never heard of before so I had to look it up to get more examples of the video. It is described as the ability to know things from a past event not through traditional means. For example, you have knowledge of an event that happened before you were even born, such as where a room was built in a library in a town you have never been to before, and it was built 10 years before you were born. You know about it, and can even describe the scratches in the floor boards. This is different than Deju Vu, but I am not well versed in this area so I can't tell you the exact reasons why. Since I am still looking into this because this is a new term to me, I don't feel comfortable giving an example from my life at this time. I'm sure that will change after more research because what I have done so far isn't really clicking with me.
8. Old Soul:
I have been called an old soul since I can remember. I never understood people my age and related to people older than me. It's not because I was around adults and was used to adult conversation. It was because I looked at what people were going through, and to the annoyance of my friends, I couldn't related to the childish things that they were going through. I didn't understand why they made such big deals out of such small things. I didn't have time for those small things because big things were coming. I was highly responsible and even have strong traits of an oldest child even though I am the youngest. I was very aware of what was going on around me, even if it was well beyond my years. I felt so very old growing up. Ironically now I feel younger than I ever have before. A friend of mine has a theory that this is because I have never lived past this age before, or it has been so long since I have made it adulthood. It makes me fearful because now I don't know what to expect. Maybe I am growing more immature. Maybe I am having a mid life crisis. Maybe she is right and I haven't been here in a long time.
9. Great affinity for culture and periods of time.
Oh do I love the 20's, the 60's and Egyptian time! I have such a fascination, love, and understanding of those time periods. I have done study and research and I can picture myself there, and I can feel it! Those aren't the only time but those are the ones that stick out the most to me. Now, this could be a nice hobby and there are many people who do research because they really do enjoy learning about a time period. It might be due to past life, or they just really like it. I can't tell you the reason for mine are, but I can tell you those certain points in time hold something very familiar to me. Something that I am willing to spend time researching and learning more about because it feels right.
10. Unexplained fears or phobias:
If you have ever had met me, you will know I have a massive fear of clowns. It is horrific and it has been around since I was a baby. My Mom told me I used to scream when there was a clown around. It is still pretty bad, but it isn't my worst fear. My worst fear is unlike many people, and it is ruining my life even though I have sought help for it on numerous occasions. I fear driving. I can almost tolerate being a passenger in a car but there are times that is almost too much. I hate this fear, and I don't really have a reason for it. Yes, I have been in terrible car accidents. I keep thinking that if I don't drive, then I can't hurt someone and I have had that thought since I was a small child. I don't know if I had hurt someone in a past life and am still paying for it in this one. I hate this fear but I can't get rid of it no matter how hard I try, or how much support that I get. It is blood curdling, flat out fear. Do I have some fear of heights, yes, but I rather hang off the side of the Empire State building than get behind the wheel of a car. I also have a massive fear of time. That one is hard to explain, but I have so much fear of time that it's mind bending.
11. Feeling as though Earth is not your home.
This is something that I said over and over again while growing up. I wanted to know where my real home was because there was no way that I belonged here. I didn't fit in anywhere and I didn't want to fit in anywhere because nothing felt right. My milestones were staggeringly behind, or way ahead of my peers. It wasn't just a small town girl wishing to live in the big city. I knew that I didn't belong anywhere. I didn't understand that the milestones in life such as a long term career, marriage, kids was what made up life. That couldn't be all that there was and what would define me. To this day, I still have issues understanding why I feel like I am on a different plane or wave length that almost everyone else. I am not trying to make myself seem better, or above anything. I truly felt and still feel lost because I can't believe that this is all that there is. That there isn't another world that I belong and I am here by mistake. Don't get me wrong, I have some wonderful loved ones, but I feel so empty and lost because of this that sometimes, I feel crazy. I am grateful and very much love and care for my loved ones. I always will be. I just don't know how to live. I am not in place here. I am behind what is considered normal and it is shameful and embarrassing. It's sad and frustrating. It's very lonely.
So, there was some connections that I have to this list. I don't know if this is evidence of a past life but I have something to relate to for most of these. I live each day knowing that many of these things are true in my life. I have no clue what to do with that information. That's why I keep looking. I keep researching and reaching out to find an answer. I do this blog for fun, but I also do it so people can not feel alone. Sometimes, we may come off as crazy. Maybe we are a bit, but not enough to make me realize that there is more out there that what we can explain. It's a sad, cold world, and trying to figure out our place is normal. I'm trying to find my place, including understanding the past, whatever that means.
The video, "11 Signs you have reincarnated before" caught my eye so I watched it a few times. It was put up by Fridaykiss but I am not sure if they are the ones who have made the video, or are the ones who just posted it. Any who, I will give credit to Fridaykiss since that is where I saw this in the first place. I decided to go through this list myself and see what, if anything that I can relate to and have an experience that I can share. What I am willing to share, anyway. Come on, if you want really juicy details, I'm going to need more subscribers and some money rolling in! I know that none of this is proof of anything. I don't need proof because people are willing to die and kill for what they "know." I am looking for a good idea because ideas can be expanded and ideas can change. It's a lot easier to change an idea than something you think that you know. Thanks to my college logic teacher, that is something that I have been very cautious about. So here is the list and what I can relate to,or the lack of what I can relate to in some instances.
1. Recurring Dreams:
A recurring dream is just simply a dream that you have more than once that is exactly the same, or very close to the same as previous dreams. This is one that I actually can't really relate to. I have some vivid dreams once in awhile and some of those dreams have stayed with me for years. However, I don't really recall having the same dream more than once. It's possible that I have in the past and have talked about it with my friends, but as of right now in this moment in time, I can't remember having recurring dreams.
2. Out of place memories
Out of place memories is something you recall but have no reason to because you weren't even there. I have one strong example of this, and several other smaller ones. One took place when I was about 5 or 6. I was in my brother's room, with my Mom and I she was reading us a bedtime story, Star Wars. I was messing around and laughing. I stopped and told me Mom that I missed that song that she made up about Aaron that she used to sing. Aaron and Mom just looked at me, and Mom asked me what song. I then sang her the song that I remembered and she turned pale. She got mad and Aaron yelled at me that I wasn't even there! I was confused but Mom finished reading the story and we went to bed. A few years later and I asked my Mom about that incident. She told me that there was no way in the world that I could known that song. I told her I was there, sitting on the bed, listening to them sing. She then told me something that turned my blood cold. "Lisa, you couldn't have heard that song because you weren't even born yet. I didn't sing it again because I forgot about it until you brought it up that day. You couldn't have remembered it. You must have heard it from Aaron." I then went on to tell my Mom what she was wearing and what Aaron was wearing, and the subject was dropped forever.
3. Strong sense of intuition:
This is something that I can relate to very strongly. My sense of intuition has gotten me out of life threatening ordeals, helped me stay away from certain people, and even predict big events. Sometimes the events are good, and sometimes it's horrible. I wish I didn't have this sense sometimes. I knew almost down to the day a year in advance of when my Dad would pass away. I call that Hell. I also call it Hell when I can get feelings about people's health and it turns out I am right. There are times when this is handy and pushes me to listen to what my gut is telling me. It also tells me to not take for granted time that I have with my loved ones.
4. Deja Vu:
The sense of feeling that you have experience an event previously. This is something that I have had bits and pieces of feeling. One big event happened to me that actually changed my view on life. It is very personal, but I will give you a small bit of the story. I was at a concert in college and in the crowd, I saw a man. Every part of my being knew this man, even though I have never met him. I was actually shaking, and when we made eye contact it was like I was seeing a long lost soul that I knew very well. It was't a romantic thing, it was't a fearful thing, it was a recognition beyond anything that I have ever experienced before on that level. However, I would experience something very similar when I met my two best friends. Both at separate times, in separate places, when I met them the clearest thought in my head was, "there you are, I've been trying to find you!"
5. Empathy or Empath:
I was once told by someone that I trust that I walk into a room, and can absorb all of the emotions in that room. It was the first time that I have ever heard someone say that out loud and it was wonderful! I finally had words to describe what was going on in my life. Being an Empath is beyond taking clues and coming to a conclusion. It is actually being able to feel what another person is feeling such as anger, fear, happiness, or even illness. I can tell people how they are truly feeling even though they are fooling everyone else. I can sense illness and so many things. It's not just that. It is sometimes so bad, so overwhelming that I have no clue if what I am feeling are my feelings or someone else's feelings. I can walk into a room and literally not understand why I am so angry, or sad, or upset. It's extremely tough and exhausting. Sometimes, I will understand what is going on and let it, so other's don't need to feel so much pain. It is hard on me, and my health, but it has been proven to help others and that's what I do.
6. Precognition:
The ability to tell what is going to happen before the event happens. This is something outside of logical signs. For example, when I was in first grade, I predicted the earthquake during the world series the week before it happened. I told my Dad all about it and it happened exactly a week later. I knew the day I got into my life changing car accident that something terrible was going to happen that day, even though I wasn't clear on the accident. Another car accident years later, I got my cousin's dog out of the very back of the car and held her because I wanted to snuggle. I didn't want her being in the back of the car and I couldn't explain why. I actually begged my cousin to let me hold her. Good thing that I did because if she would have been there when the car smashed us in the back a few minutes later, she would have died.
7 Retro Cognition:
This is a term that I have never heard of before so I had to look it up to get more examples of the video. It is described as the ability to know things from a past event not through traditional means. For example, you have knowledge of an event that happened before you were even born, such as where a room was built in a library in a town you have never been to before, and it was built 10 years before you were born. You know about it, and can even describe the scratches in the floor boards. This is different than Deju Vu, but I am not well versed in this area so I can't tell you the exact reasons why. Since I am still looking into this because this is a new term to me, I don't feel comfortable giving an example from my life at this time. I'm sure that will change after more research because what I have done so far isn't really clicking with me.
8. Old Soul:
I have been called an old soul since I can remember. I never understood people my age and related to people older than me. It's not because I was around adults and was used to adult conversation. It was because I looked at what people were going through, and to the annoyance of my friends, I couldn't related to the childish things that they were going through. I didn't understand why they made such big deals out of such small things. I didn't have time for those small things because big things were coming. I was highly responsible and even have strong traits of an oldest child even though I am the youngest. I was very aware of what was going on around me, even if it was well beyond my years. I felt so very old growing up. Ironically now I feel younger than I ever have before. A friend of mine has a theory that this is because I have never lived past this age before, or it has been so long since I have made it adulthood. It makes me fearful because now I don't know what to expect. Maybe I am growing more immature. Maybe I am having a mid life crisis. Maybe she is right and I haven't been here in a long time.
9. Great affinity for culture and periods of time.
Oh do I love the 20's, the 60's and Egyptian time! I have such a fascination, love, and understanding of those time periods. I have done study and research and I can picture myself there, and I can feel it! Those aren't the only time but those are the ones that stick out the most to me. Now, this could be a nice hobby and there are many people who do research because they really do enjoy learning about a time period. It might be due to past life, or they just really like it. I can't tell you the reason for mine are, but I can tell you those certain points in time hold something very familiar to me. Something that I am willing to spend time researching and learning more about because it feels right.
10. Unexplained fears or phobias:
If you have ever had met me, you will know I have a massive fear of clowns. It is horrific and it has been around since I was a baby. My Mom told me I used to scream when there was a clown around. It is still pretty bad, but it isn't my worst fear. My worst fear is unlike many people, and it is ruining my life even though I have sought help for it on numerous occasions. I fear driving. I can almost tolerate being a passenger in a car but there are times that is almost too much. I hate this fear, and I don't really have a reason for it. Yes, I have been in terrible car accidents. I keep thinking that if I don't drive, then I can't hurt someone and I have had that thought since I was a small child. I don't know if I had hurt someone in a past life and am still paying for it in this one. I hate this fear but I can't get rid of it no matter how hard I try, or how much support that I get. It is blood curdling, flat out fear. Do I have some fear of heights, yes, but I rather hang off the side of the Empire State building than get behind the wheel of a car. I also have a massive fear of time. That one is hard to explain, but I have so much fear of time that it's mind bending.
11. Feeling as though Earth is not your home.
This is something that I said over and over again while growing up. I wanted to know where my real home was because there was no way that I belonged here. I didn't fit in anywhere and I didn't want to fit in anywhere because nothing felt right. My milestones were staggeringly behind, or way ahead of my peers. It wasn't just a small town girl wishing to live in the big city. I knew that I didn't belong anywhere. I didn't understand that the milestones in life such as a long term career, marriage, kids was what made up life. That couldn't be all that there was and what would define me. To this day, I still have issues understanding why I feel like I am on a different plane or wave length that almost everyone else. I am not trying to make myself seem better, or above anything. I truly felt and still feel lost because I can't believe that this is all that there is. That there isn't another world that I belong and I am here by mistake. Don't get me wrong, I have some wonderful loved ones, but I feel so empty and lost because of this that sometimes, I feel crazy. I am grateful and very much love and care for my loved ones. I always will be. I just don't know how to live. I am not in place here. I am behind what is considered normal and it is shameful and embarrassing. It's sad and frustrating. It's very lonely.
So, there was some connections that I have to this list. I don't know if this is evidence of a past life but I have something to relate to for most of these. I live each day knowing that many of these things are true in my life. I have no clue what to do with that information. That's why I keep looking. I keep researching and reaching out to find an answer. I do this blog for fun, but I also do it so people can not feel alone. Sometimes, we may come off as crazy. Maybe we are a bit, but not enough to make me realize that there is more out there that what we can explain. It's a sad, cold world, and trying to figure out our place is normal. I'm trying to find my place, including understanding the past, whatever that means.
Saturday, December 24, 2016
My personal Mandela Effect
Hello my readers,
I want to take a moment to say, yes, I have done a blog about this in the past. However, I have several personal examples that conflict with many people's recollection about some of the big topics. This is actually an incredible phenomenon no matter if you believe if it's is true or it is not. If it's not, then it's something I think we need to study to see why people have such altered memories of the actual facts. There has to be a very good reason for it and it should be examined. If it's true, then we have more questions than answers to contend with and that also deserves to be studied. I am going to make of list of some of the most popular theories out there and comment on how I remember them even though many disagree.
The very thing that caused the Mandela effect was disagreement if Nelson Mandela died in prison, or if he died years later. Some people have the memory of Nelson Mandela passing away while in prison while others never heard of that story before. For me, I personally recall sitting at my Grandparent's house and reading how Nelson Mandela died in prison. My Grandpa was sitting across from me, and my Grandma was making eggs and bacon on the stove. It was morning, and a very bright day. I think it was a Saturday or a Sunday. It was in the newspaper and I read it, and then my Grandpa did. We all talked about how sad it was for him to die. I remember asking Grandpa what he did to be in prison, and he told me his was a political prisoner.Until then, I hadn't heard that term before so I remember it! From that day on, I assumed that he was dead, because he was. When Morgan Freeman played him in the movie years later, I literally assumed that it was because they were telling the story of Mandela's life and death. However, he hadn't died. I had to look it up. I was so confused!! I know with every single fiber of being that I not only heard about him passing away in prison, but read it in the newspaper and discussed the event with my Grandparents. I would ask them, but they are both gone now. But I am sure they would back me up on this.
As a child, I loved books. I would fall into the world of the written world and loved it so much that I have dedicated my life to it. I knew books, especially children's books because I didn't have many friends growing up. I read the Berstein Bear's books as a child and that's how it was spelled. It was not pronounced that way, however. It was pronounce Berstain. At some point, the stein changed into stain and I truly thought at one point I heard that it was a publishing error. However, I really don't know. I thought it was stein. I remember this change happening around the time I was in middle school. Another publishing error is Interview with a Vampire,and Interview with the Vampire. Would you believe that you are both right and it has nothing to do with the Mandela effect but a publishing error? I am a huge Anne Rice fan and have read many of her interviews. The book she wrote is called Interview with a Vampire, because Louise is the one being interviewed. At first, this was a short story published that was vastly different and that was called, Interview with the Vampire. When the "real" book was published, it was titled the same using "the" instead of "with a" which is not want Anne Rice wanted. There are copies out there that have both titles. The movie ran into some issues with rights so at first, it was titled, "the" instead of "with a." That's how I recall it anyway.
I also had a great love of music that really began to form in middle school. I was branching out and discovering all sorts of music, including Queen. I remember buying their greatest hits on cassette tape, because I'm old, but not that old! I played "We are the Champions," and clearly recalling that at the end of the song it says, "we are the champions," and then the music cuts off. I remember thinking, "Wow, this really sounds like it just stops. It sounds like it should continue with, "of the world," but it doesn't. I think this is simply a thing that the mind heard it so much in the song itself that it was expecting to hear the entire phrase sung out at the end, but it wasn't. That abrupt stop was confusing, but that's how I remember hearing it. I know that there are live versions of this song where the entire phrase is sung out at the end. I can't give that any merit because people change their songs live all of the time. I will admit that I was surprised that day when I was in middle school, to find that the song just cut off because up until that point I had also thought the whole phrase was sung out. I thought it was an odd choice because it just stopped. I really can chalk this up to my mind wanting to hear the whole phrase and that's why it was a shock.
I also watch a lot of TV, so naturally Sex and the City comes up...or is it Sex in the City. For the record, I hated this show but it was everywhere and this is one thing I literally don't know what is right or not because I actually thought they changed the title of this show. When it first came out, I watched the first episode called Sex and the City. I stopped watching it soon after but I saw lots of ads and the show was now called Sex in the City. That made more sense to me, and I thought it was just a marketing thing. But then I actually saw and heard it both ways. I didn't know what the actual title was anymore because "in the" and "and the" were interchanged so often in both print and media. Years later when I worked in a perfumer, Sex and the City perfume came out. However, there were some boxes that said Sex and the City, and others that said Sex in the City depending on the shipment. Everyone I worked with was confused. I literally have no idea what the real title is anymore!
Speaking of perfume, I have worked with perfumes for years. I have studied them, tested on them, got certifications in sales of certain perfumes including Chanel. Chanel No. 5 packaging is not the way I remember, or the way I studied it. Today, if you look at the package of Chanel No. 5, you see a big N and a small o with no period following. This is making me crazy, because the packaging I have worked with, have studied, and have used had a period following the small o. It doesn't look right! I look at the packages and I get confused because it's not the same! Before you ask, no, I am not just expecting to see the period because that is normally what you see after the abbreviation. I was certified to sell Chanel No. 5 with the period appearing on the packaging. It had been there since the beginning of the product and now it's gone! Could it be a marketing thing, yes, but why can't I locate what the packaging looked like only a few years ago? What about everything that I studied. I saw that logo daily for years, trust me, I knew it. I know the mind can do some strange things like create memories that weren't there. I'm not above saying that I could be mistaken on this, or anything here, but this one is so personally hard for me because I saw something different for years and now it's like it never existed.
I have seen many examples of logo changes that people are claiming that are the Mandela effect. While it could very well be, most of the time I think it's just a simple logo change. I know that my perfume claim above is considered a logo, and could have change. True, but I can't find any evidence saying that their has been a logo change. What is strange is when a company all of a sudden changes something very big and important about their company name, such as the spelling. For example, the Jif/Jiffy peanut butter debate. I seriously think that there was a peanut butter called Jiffy. My Grandparents kept two kinds of peanut butter in the house. One was Peter Pan which was Grandpa's favorite, and Jiffy that Grandma got for the kids. There could be a mix up because there was a jingle about Jif peanut butter that sang about Jiffy or said Jiffy. Or it could be two separate products. I don't know for sure anymore but I really thought that there was once a peanut butter called Jiffy.
I know all of this seems random and it truly could be a mistake in memory. However, why do so many people have a shared memory. It is hard to wrap your mind around it, especially when we know almost nothing about the human mind or body. We only have people who practice medicine. We don't have a cure for the common cold. We can map out parts of the body and have a good idea how things work but there is still so much unknown and unpredictable. We have many mentally ill people that get misdiagnosed all of the time. We don't really have a good grasp of being a human so this all could be due to something in our brains that are making us think one thing when the truth is completely different. I'm willing to admit that this could be the case, but if it is, we really need to put some serious study into the Mandela effect and why people have these shared memories.
I am also open to the option that this could be an alternative universe, or something else. I watch Doctor Who and read comics. I think we are extremely vain if we believe that there is nothing in this universe outside of us. I think that this option needs to be looked at time. Once you eliminate the impossible all your are left with is the probable. It is hard to believe that we are all sharing the same illusion. I have read 1984 and I know that things have been changed just like in the book, including history. Why would someone choose to change something as small a the name of a peanut butter, or a song lyric? What is the point in that? Changing history has been done forever and we are uncovering a truer version of the story every day. Why would one bother spending time altering a children's book or a logo? Things just aren't making sense. That's what this whole thing is about and it is very confusing. I hope someday we will find answers but until then, I'm open to the possibility that it could be a collective mistake, or it's something deeper. I know that more needs to be look into this and not dismissed, because something strange is going on here.
I want to take a moment to say, yes, I have done a blog about this in the past. However, I have several personal examples that conflict with many people's recollection about some of the big topics. This is actually an incredible phenomenon no matter if you believe if it's is true or it is not. If it's not, then it's something I think we need to study to see why people have such altered memories of the actual facts. There has to be a very good reason for it and it should be examined. If it's true, then we have more questions than answers to contend with and that also deserves to be studied. I am going to make of list of some of the most popular theories out there and comment on how I remember them even though many disagree.
The very thing that caused the Mandela effect was disagreement if Nelson Mandela died in prison, or if he died years later. Some people have the memory of Nelson Mandela passing away while in prison while others never heard of that story before. For me, I personally recall sitting at my Grandparent's house and reading how Nelson Mandela died in prison. My Grandpa was sitting across from me, and my Grandma was making eggs and bacon on the stove. It was morning, and a very bright day. I think it was a Saturday or a Sunday. It was in the newspaper and I read it, and then my Grandpa did. We all talked about how sad it was for him to die. I remember asking Grandpa what he did to be in prison, and he told me his was a political prisoner.Until then, I hadn't heard that term before so I remember it! From that day on, I assumed that he was dead, because he was. When Morgan Freeman played him in the movie years later, I literally assumed that it was because they were telling the story of Mandela's life and death. However, he hadn't died. I had to look it up. I was so confused!! I know with every single fiber of being that I not only heard about him passing away in prison, but read it in the newspaper and discussed the event with my Grandparents. I would ask them, but they are both gone now. But I am sure they would back me up on this.
As a child, I loved books. I would fall into the world of the written world and loved it so much that I have dedicated my life to it. I knew books, especially children's books because I didn't have many friends growing up. I read the Berstein Bear's books as a child and that's how it was spelled. It was not pronounced that way, however. It was pronounce Berstain. At some point, the stein changed into stain and I truly thought at one point I heard that it was a publishing error. However, I really don't know. I thought it was stein. I remember this change happening around the time I was in middle school. Another publishing error is Interview with a Vampire,and Interview with the Vampire. Would you believe that you are both right and it has nothing to do with the Mandela effect but a publishing error? I am a huge Anne Rice fan and have read many of her interviews. The book she wrote is called Interview with a Vampire, because Louise is the one being interviewed. At first, this was a short story published that was vastly different and that was called, Interview with the Vampire. When the "real" book was published, it was titled the same using "the" instead of "with a" which is not want Anne Rice wanted. There are copies out there that have both titles. The movie ran into some issues with rights so at first, it was titled, "the" instead of "with a." That's how I recall it anyway.
I also had a great love of music that really began to form in middle school. I was branching out and discovering all sorts of music, including Queen. I remember buying their greatest hits on cassette tape, because I'm old, but not that old! I played "We are the Champions," and clearly recalling that at the end of the song it says, "we are the champions," and then the music cuts off. I remember thinking, "Wow, this really sounds like it just stops. It sounds like it should continue with, "of the world," but it doesn't. I think this is simply a thing that the mind heard it so much in the song itself that it was expecting to hear the entire phrase sung out at the end, but it wasn't. That abrupt stop was confusing, but that's how I remember hearing it. I know that there are live versions of this song where the entire phrase is sung out at the end. I can't give that any merit because people change their songs live all of the time. I will admit that I was surprised that day when I was in middle school, to find that the song just cut off because up until that point I had also thought the whole phrase was sung out. I thought it was an odd choice because it just stopped. I really can chalk this up to my mind wanting to hear the whole phrase and that's why it was a shock.
I also watch a lot of TV, so naturally Sex and the City comes up...or is it Sex in the City. For the record, I hated this show but it was everywhere and this is one thing I literally don't know what is right or not because I actually thought they changed the title of this show. When it first came out, I watched the first episode called Sex and the City. I stopped watching it soon after but I saw lots of ads and the show was now called Sex in the City. That made more sense to me, and I thought it was just a marketing thing. But then I actually saw and heard it both ways. I didn't know what the actual title was anymore because "in the" and "and the" were interchanged so often in both print and media. Years later when I worked in a perfumer, Sex and the City perfume came out. However, there were some boxes that said Sex and the City, and others that said Sex in the City depending on the shipment. Everyone I worked with was confused. I literally have no idea what the real title is anymore!
Speaking of perfume, I have worked with perfumes for years. I have studied them, tested on them, got certifications in sales of certain perfumes including Chanel. Chanel No. 5 packaging is not the way I remember, or the way I studied it. Today, if you look at the package of Chanel No. 5, you see a big N and a small o with no period following. This is making me crazy, because the packaging I have worked with, have studied, and have used had a period following the small o. It doesn't look right! I look at the packages and I get confused because it's not the same! Before you ask, no, I am not just expecting to see the period because that is normally what you see after the abbreviation. I was certified to sell Chanel No. 5 with the period appearing on the packaging. It had been there since the beginning of the product and now it's gone! Could it be a marketing thing, yes, but why can't I locate what the packaging looked like only a few years ago? What about everything that I studied. I saw that logo daily for years, trust me, I knew it. I know the mind can do some strange things like create memories that weren't there. I'm not above saying that I could be mistaken on this, or anything here, but this one is so personally hard for me because I saw something different for years and now it's like it never existed.
I have seen many examples of logo changes that people are claiming that are the Mandela effect. While it could very well be, most of the time I think it's just a simple logo change. I know that my perfume claim above is considered a logo, and could have change. True, but I can't find any evidence saying that their has been a logo change. What is strange is when a company all of a sudden changes something very big and important about their company name, such as the spelling. For example, the Jif/Jiffy peanut butter debate. I seriously think that there was a peanut butter called Jiffy. My Grandparents kept two kinds of peanut butter in the house. One was Peter Pan which was Grandpa's favorite, and Jiffy that Grandma got for the kids. There could be a mix up because there was a jingle about Jif peanut butter that sang about Jiffy or said Jiffy. Or it could be two separate products. I don't know for sure anymore but I really thought that there was once a peanut butter called Jiffy.
I know all of this seems random and it truly could be a mistake in memory. However, why do so many people have a shared memory. It is hard to wrap your mind around it, especially when we know almost nothing about the human mind or body. We only have people who practice medicine. We don't have a cure for the common cold. We can map out parts of the body and have a good idea how things work but there is still so much unknown and unpredictable. We have many mentally ill people that get misdiagnosed all of the time. We don't really have a good grasp of being a human so this all could be due to something in our brains that are making us think one thing when the truth is completely different. I'm willing to admit that this could be the case, but if it is, we really need to put some serious study into the Mandela effect and why people have these shared memories.
I am also open to the option that this could be an alternative universe, or something else. I watch Doctor Who and read comics. I think we are extremely vain if we believe that there is nothing in this universe outside of us. I think that this option needs to be looked at time. Once you eliminate the impossible all your are left with is the probable. It is hard to believe that we are all sharing the same illusion. I have read 1984 and I know that things have been changed just like in the book, including history. Why would someone choose to change something as small a the name of a peanut butter, or a song lyric? What is the point in that? Changing history has been done forever and we are uncovering a truer version of the story every day. Why would one bother spending time altering a children's book or a logo? Things just aren't making sense. That's what this whole thing is about and it is very confusing. I hope someday we will find answers but until then, I'm open to the possibility that it could be a collective mistake, or it's something deeper. I know that more needs to be look into this and not dismissed, because something strange is going on here.
Thursday, December 22, 2016
My first Video Review: Amazon Prime Pantry
Hello everyone,
Even though I love writing, I also have found that the video review is very important. I follow a lot of different things on social media and I find myself drawn to video reviews because you are more likely to get an honest view. I will continue to write, but I want to try something new to branch out and keep this blog going for both of you who enjoy it!
So, here is the deal, I tried to make another video and it uploaded it to Facebook first. It went...somewhere.... I literally have no clue where it went. By the time I realized it was lost, it was too late for what I had truly wanted to do which was show a "Live unboxing." Sadly, that is lost or somewhere chilling so I made another one that wasn't exactly what I wanted it to be like. Ah, the learned art of trying to make a review. I will chalk up most of it to operation error. It was fun, however, and I would like to do it again.
So, here it is and enjoy. Please comment and like this and my Facebook page:
Even though I love writing, I also have found that the video review is very important. I follow a lot of different things on social media and I find myself drawn to video reviews because you are more likely to get an honest view. I will continue to write, but I want to try something new to branch out and keep this blog going for both of you who enjoy it!
So, here is the deal, I tried to make another video and it uploaded it to Facebook first. It went...somewhere.... I literally have no clue where it went. By the time I realized it was lost, it was too late for what I had truly wanted to do which was show a "Live unboxing." Sadly, that is lost or somewhere chilling so I made another one that wasn't exactly what I wanted it to be like. Ah, the learned art of trying to make a review. I will chalk up most of it to operation error. It was fun, however, and I would like to do it again.
So, here it is and enjoy. Please comment and like this and my Facebook page:
I'm on Facebook, Ya All
Hello everyone,
I decided that I would try to get real traffic to this page by making a Facebook page and seeing if that helps. It may not, but it's worth the shot. Because if you aren't going to shamelessly self promote, then who else will?
I started this blog just around 5 years ago. It was something that I did for fun, and I still enjoy it to this day. It's not traditional like a blog that is very focused on one thing. If you want a focus on one thing it all comes from one mind, mine, and it's crazy.
I am trying a few different things such as making videos, and writing more. This is something that I want to take more seriously and maybe people will want my reviews or my thoughts. If you would like to send me products to review, or have suggestion, then please let me know! Reach out to me via email:
Anywho, maybe someday I will be able to blog full time. In the meantime, I will continue to work hard at my life, and keep my passion of writing alive by keeping this blog alive. Yes, I do have other blogs but this one is my passion! Thanks for being part of my underdog family and I will keep the stuff coming as long as you are still willing to read it, or even if you aren't! LOL
Check out my page:
Good Karma and a Cookie,
I decided that I would try to get real traffic to this page by making a Facebook page and seeing if that helps. It may not, but it's worth the shot. Because if you aren't going to shamelessly self promote, then who else will?
I started this blog just around 5 years ago. It was something that I did for fun, and I still enjoy it to this day. It's not traditional like a blog that is very focused on one thing. If you want a focus on one thing it all comes from one mind, mine, and it's crazy.
I am trying a few different things such as making videos, and writing more. This is something that I want to take more seriously and maybe people will want my reviews or my thoughts. If you would like to send me products to review, or have suggestion, then please let me know! Reach out to me via email:
Anywho, maybe someday I will be able to blog full time. In the meantime, I will continue to work hard at my life, and keep my passion of writing alive by keeping this blog alive. Yes, I do have other blogs but this one is my passion! Thanks for being part of my underdog family and I will keep the stuff coming as long as you are still willing to read it, or even if you aren't! LOL
Check out my page:
Good Karma and a Cookie,
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