Who killed JFK is one of the greatest mysteries out there. Why, after all this time, hasn't it been solved. Of course we can all chalk it up to the fact that Lee Harvey Oswald was the killer such as our history books indicate, but who really believes that? LHO didn't so why should the rest of us? Of course a conspiracy theorist like myself is pretty sure that the answer is well known in some small circles and that information is kept quiet because THEY don't want US to know the truth. It's been like a hundred years, isn't it time to come clean so we can something else to try to solve? In our world full of technology, why can't a "simple" murder be solved from the 60's?
At this point I believe the only possible answer is that JFK was assisinated by killer kittens. I know what you are thinking. Lisa has gone of the deep end...again. But no, stay with me here. Every single story that we have is ridiculous! So, I'm just adding one more ridiculous theory out there to show that it's time for the real answers to come out, or these cat stories are going to keep coming out.
Think of it, who in the world could kill the president without ANYONE noticing who pulled the trigger. The logical answer is no one. And since no one really has any clue who killed the president, it must have been highly trained killer kittens. No one is going to suspect cute cuddly little kittens to be capable of pulling of the greatest assisination of all time, now will they? People were so busy watching the parade and waiting to see the president that they would never see little Chester aiming his gun on the grassy knoll. Of course that lets off LHO, the mob, RFK, aliens, Cubians, LBJ, Nixon, the United States Goverment off the hook so it must be true since none of these very logical suspects have ever actaully been proven to be the real assigns. Damn Kitties!
In this world where EVERYTHING is out in the open why can't we for once, put this to rest. This one killing lead to many others which changed the United States forever. People were being silenced then, and they still are even today, even though we can find out about any celebertiy sexual preferences. I'm sorry, but I don't want to know about Aronld's love child. I don't care about Lindsay fallling off the wagon, and then being run over by it. All of this useless information is being shoved in our faces, but God forbide that we find any real information that could solve this crime. So, until the truth comes out, I'm putting my money on kitty. Bad kitty, bad!
Lisa and her Underdog

Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Friday, June 3, 2011
Big Brother is watching....through my contacts
The other day I was in the bathroom getting ready for work. I was putting on my contacts, and dropped one on the ground. After picking it up and cleaning it something stopped me from putting the contact in my eye. In my hand was what I thought was my innocent contact to correct my vision, instead laid an instrument of horror!! All of this time Big Brother has literally been living in my eye balls!!!! Inside was my prescription!! And this is the first time I've ever seen this!! Great!Now I know what most of you are thinking. Big deal, Lisa. It's just something people are doing now to make it easier for eye doctors to find you a better prescription...yada yada yada... NO! It's just another way for THEM to keep tabs on us. And now they are living in my eye ball....
On of my favorite shows is "How I Met Your Mother." There is a scene where Barney (Neil Patrick Harris: brilliant by the way) is talking about his position at work. It is a running joke that no one has any idea what he does for a living. But he says to his friends that he will never retire. Instead they will find his body one day washed ashore without any hair, fingernails, or any identification markers. Sure, it's comedy, but the fact is no matter how hard you try, you are going to be on the radar somewhere. And now it's in places you would never think about checking, like the inside of your contact lens.
Any of you have a diamond ring, ear ring, or bracelet? You know that there is a code that is linked only to your diamond and the only way that you can see it is under a microscope. (i look at this for a living, believe me, it's creepy) Also, the better the diamond, the more details that they have. You can trace these diamonds back to the place they were mined, and to the person that actually did the cutting of your stone. They can trace this all back to that very diamond that you've been wearing on your finger every day. So good new, if something horrible happens and all they can find is your diamond, they can at least say that at one point you were the one wearing it. Just saying. (I always said if I every get engaged that I don't want a ring. Boy, good thing that I've never had my heart set on a ring.)
It's bad enough that our personal information is being monitored in ways we already know about everyday. We basically gave up our right to anything personal going through airport security. Any time we use our credit/debit cards they get our personal info You can't write a check without giving up your first born. In some places you must provide your address and phone number even to make a simple purchase.They can trace you anywhere with a cell phone, and it doesn't have to even be on. My local coffee place can tell you what drink your order most frequently with their rewards card. They ask to scan your ID at Walmart or Target and your personal info is out there for the taking. When you buy things online, they can save your preferences and recommend things you may like based on what you've bought in the past. On Hulu.com they ask you to choose commericals so they can personalize your experience. Is it just good customer service, a way for companies to find out what products are in demand, or Big Brother tracking you?
What about the things that you do to yourself? If you color your hair, they can find the shades. If you get any type of cosmetic surgery, they can trace the serial numbers on your boob implants. Even if you made the regrettable mistake of piercing something you later changed your mind about, the scar tissue will stilll be there. If you get a tattoo, they may be able to trace the artist. If you have wear a hearing aid, glasses, or contacts, they can find out what the perscription is, and where you most likely got the items you need in your every day life. You like Old Spice? They can find that out too.
I can handle to some extent what we must give up in order to get the things that we want or need in food and services. What I don't like is how little things like the contacts are sneaking in there, and no one is the wiser if you never notice it. What else do they have traced to Lisa Tebrinke? Do they have GPS in my underwear? 1984 is not a dream, or a well thought out plot. It's reality, and it worries me how much closer our lives are going in a direction of a fiction book!
So, on my day off dear THEM, you can find me at my house. I'll be watching Family Guy while wearing my -2.25 contact lens, drinking sweet tea, and flipping through my Christopher Moore book. Beside me, or maybe on the floor will be my two dogs, who eat Perinea Dog Chow, and have their blue potty bags that I get from CVS by the door when they need to go out. You can also check out the music I was listening to on Pandora.com when I decide it's time to clean the house with products I bought from Walmart....but you already knew that, didn't you....
On of my favorite shows is "How I Met Your Mother." There is a scene where Barney (Neil Patrick Harris: brilliant by the way) is talking about his position at work. It is a running joke that no one has any idea what he does for a living. But he says to his friends that he will never retire. Instead they will find his body one day washed ashore without any hair, fingernails, or any identification markers. Sure, it's comedy, but the fact is no matter how hard you try, you are going to be on the radar somewhere. And now it's in places you would never think about checking, like the inside of your contact lens.
Any of you have a diamond ring, ear ring, or bracelet? You know that there is a code that is linked only to your diamond and the only way that you can see it is under a microscope. (i look at this for a living, believe me, it's creepy) Also, the better the diamond, the more details that they have. You can trace these diamonds back to the place they were mined, and to the person that actually did the cutting of your stone. They can trace this all back to that very diamond that you've been wearing on your finger every day. So good new, if something horrible happens and all they can find is your diamond, they can at least say that at one point you were the one wearing it. Just saying. (I always said if I every get engaged that I don't want a ring. Boy, good thing that I've never had my heart set on a ring.)
It's bad enough that our personal information is being monitored in ways we already know about everyday. We basically gave up our right to anything personal going through airport security. Any time we use our credit/debit cards they get our personal info You can't write a check without giving up your first born. In some places you must provide your address and phone number even to make a simple purchase.They can trace you anywhere with a cell phone, and it doesn't have to even be on. My local coffee place can tell you what drink your order most frequently with their rewards card. They ask to scan your ID at Walmart or Target and your personal info is out there for the taking. When you buy things online, they can save your preferences and recommend things you may like based on what you've bought in the past. On Hulu.com they ask you to choose commericals so they can personalize your experience. Is it just good customer service, a way for companies to find out what products are in demand, or Big Brother tracking you?
What about the things that you do to yourself? If you color your hair, they can find the shades. If you get any type of cosmetic surgery, they can trace the serial numbers on your boob implants. Even if you made the regrettable mistake of piercing something you later changed your mind about, the scar tissue will stilll be there. If you get a tattoo, they may be able to trace the artist. If you have wear a hearing aid, glasses, or contacts, they can find out what the perscription is, and where you most likely got the items you need in your every day life. You like Old Spice? They can find that out too.
I can handle to some extent what we must give up in order to get the things that we want or need in food and services. What I don't like is how little things like the contacts are sneaking in there, and no one is the wiser if you never notice it. What else do they have traced to Lisa Tebrinke? Do they have GPS in my underwear? 1984 is not a dream, or a well thought out plot. It's reality, and it worries me how much closer our lives are going in a direction of a fiction book!
So, on my day off dear THEM, you can find me at my house. I'll be watching Family Guy while wearing my -2.25 contact lens, drinking sweet tea, and flipping through my Christopher Moore book. Beside me, or maybe on the floor will be my two dogs, who eat Perinea Dog Chow, and have their blue potty bags that I get from CVS by the door when they need to go out. You can also check out the music I was listening to on Pandora.com when I decide it's time to clean the house with products I bought from Walmart....but you already knew that, didn't you....
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